Intro 32 count, No tag or restart
Section 1 Rock step forward, full turn, rock, full turn
1&2rock RF step forward with your body weight
3-4full turn to right complete turn in 2 steps, making 1\2 turn with each step
5&6rock LF step forward with your body weight
7-8full turn to right complete turn in 2 steps, making 1\2 turn with each step
Section 2 Stomp right, break, shuffle , rock , coaster
1stomp RF strike the ground with the RF, putting all your weight on it
3&4shuffle front LF strike the ground with the LF, putting all your weight on it
5-6rock RF take a step forward with your body weight
7&8Step right back, step left next to right, step right forward
Section 3 behind side cross, side rock, sailor step, sailer step left ¼ round
1&2behind side cross (cross RF behind LF to left, cross RF in front of LF)
3-4side rock right (take a step to the right with weight transfer)
5&6sailor step right (RF crosses behind LF, LF to left, RF to right)
7&8sailor step left and ¼ round ( LF crosses behind RF, RF to left, LF to right)
Section 4 : charleston step, stomp x2 , heel split x2
1-2charleston RF to front (point right heel forward)
3-4charleston LF to front (point LF behind)
5-6stomp RF strike the ground with your RF using all your weight (5) stomp LF (6) strike the ground with your LF using all your weight
7-8hell split [ raise the heel slightly with bending the knees outwards and bring the heels towards the center) x2
Last Update – 22 Nov. 2024 – R2
Section 1 Rock step forward, full turn, rock, full turn
1&2rock RF step forward with your body weight
3-4full turn to right complete turn in 2 steps, making 1\2 turn with each step
5&6rock LF step forward with your body weight
7-8full turn to right complete turn in 2 steps, making 1\2 turn with each step
Section 2 Stomp right, break, shuffle , rock , coaster
1stomp RF strike the ground with the RF, putting all your weight on it
3&4shuffle front LF strike the ground with the LF, putting all your weight on it
5-6rock RF take a step forward with your body weight
7&8Step right back, step left next to right, step right forward
Section 3 behind side cross, side rock, sailor step, sailer step left ¼ round
1&2behind side cross (cross RF behind LF to left, cross RF in front of LF)
3-4side rock right (take a step to the right with weight transfer)
5&6sailor step right (RF crosses behind LF, LF to left, RF to right)
7&8sailor step left and ¼ round ( LF crosses behind RF, RF to left, LF to right)
Section 4 : charleston step, stomp x2 , heel split x2
1-2charleston RF to front (point right heel forward)
3-4charleston LF to front (point LF behind)
5-6stomp RF strike the ground with your RF using all your weight (5) stomp LF (6) strike the ground with your LF using all your weight
7-8hell split [ raise the heel slightly with bending the knees outwards and bring the heels towards the center) x2
Last Update – 22 Nov. 2024 – R2