CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Tanya Curry (USA) & Pam Lindsey (USA) - September 2024
Shook - Meghan Trainor
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Section 1: (1-8) Walk-Walk, Side Touches, Toe Twist
1-2Step forward R-L
3Touch R ball of foot to the side
&4Step R foot beside L foot, Touch L ball of foot to the side
5-8With L heel off the floor, grind ball of L foot gently into the floor by twisting L heel inward toward body/turning L knee outward (5), then twist L heel outward away from body/turning L knee inward (6) then twist L heel inward toward body/turning L knee outward (7) then twist L heel outward away from body/turning L knee inward (8)

Section 2: (9-16) Coaster, Pivot, Walk Forward (or full turn), ¼ turn L
1&2Left Coaster: Step back onto L foot, & step R foot back and next to L foot, Step forward onto L foot
3-4Step R foot forward, Pivot ½ turn to the L (end facing 6:00 wall)
5-6Step forward R-L (you may also do two half turns to the L as you step R-L-end facing 6:00 wall)
7-8Turn ¼ to the L stepping R foot the side while turning on L foot and hold on count 8 (optional arm
styling on count 8 (end facing 9:00 wall). Transfer weight to L foot on 8.

Section 3: (17-24) Two Sailor Shuffles, Jazz Box
1&2Right Sailor: Step R behind L, Step L to the side, Step R to the side (with swaying motion)
3&4Left Sailor with ¼ turn L: Step L behind R, Step R back turning ¼ to the L, Step forward L (with swaying motion, end facing 12:00 wall)
5-8Jazz Box with ¼ turn R: Cross R over L, Step L back, Step R to the side and you step ¼ to the R (end facing 9:00 wall), Step L across R

Section 4: (25-32) Big step to the R, Slide, Shuffle L, Rock-recover
1Step a big step to the R (facing 9:00 wall)
2-3-4Slowly slide L foot toward R foot and touch L beside R (optional: extend arms for styling)
5&6Shuffle to the left--step L & step R beside L, step L
7-8Gently rock R foot back and transfer/recover weight onto L foot

Section 5: (33-40) Shuffle Forward, Step Pivot, Repeat
1&2Right Shuffle Forward—stepping R-L-R
3-4Step L forward, Pivot ½ to the R (end facing 9:00)
5&6Left Shuffle Forward—stepping L-R-L
7-8Step R forward, Pivot ¼ to the L (end facing 6:00)

Section 6: (41-48) Shuffle Forward, Step Pivot, Repeat (repeat of section 5)
1&2Right Shuffle Forward—stepping R-L-R
3-4Step L forward, Pivot ½ to the R (end facing 12:00)
5-6Left Shuffle Forward—stepping L-R-L
7-8Step R forward, Pivot ¼ to the L (end facing 9:00)

Be creative with your arm styling. It’s all up to you!!

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