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Thicc as Thieves

( 4 Stimmen)
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Taren Gaia (SA) - June 2024
Thicc As Thieves - Lauren Alaina
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Intro: 16 count after the intro build up, start with vocals.

[1-8] Side Rock Recover, weave, Stomp, ¼ Sailor
1-2Step RF to R Side, Recover weight onto LF
3&4Step RF behind LF, Step LF to L Side, Step RF over LF
5-6Stomp LF to L Side, Hold
7&8Step RF behind LF, making a ¼ turn L step LF Fwd, Step RF to R Side

[9-16] Sailor Step, ¼ Sailor Step, ¼ Pivot, ¼ Pivot Tap
1&2Step LF being RF, Step RF to R side, Recover weight to LF
3&4Step RF behind LF, making a ¼ turn L step LF to L side, Step RF Fwd
5-6Step LF Fwd, making a ¼ turn R Step RF Fwd
7-8Step LF Fwd, making a ¼ turn tap RF to LF

[17-24] Side Switches, Heel dig, Hitch, Triple Steps x2
1&2&Finish sweep stepping RF to over LF, step LF to L side, Step RF behind LF
3-4Dig R heel Fwd, Hitch R leg
5&6Step RF Fwd, Step LF to RF, Step RF Fwd
7&8Step LF Fwd, Step RF to LF, Step LF Fwd

[25-32] Rock Recover, ½ turn triple step, ½ pivot, triple step
1-2Step Rf Fwd, Recover weight to LF
3&4Making a ¼ turn R step RF to R side, Step LF to RF, making a ¼ turn R step RF Fwd
5-6Step LF Fwd, making a ½ turn transfer weight to RF
7&8Step LF Fwd, Step RF to LF, Step LF Fwd

[33-40] Point, Cross Step, Point, Cross Step, Slow ¼ turn with Shimmies
1-2Point Rf to R side, Step RF over LF
3-4Point LF to L side, Step LF over RF
5-8Make a slow ¼ turn pivot R finishing with weight on RF (as your turn shimmy shoulders)

[41-48] Syncopated Cross Rocks, Ball Cross, ½ Pivot with heel bounces
1-2&Cross LF over RF, recover weight to LF, Step LF to L side
3-4Cross RF over LF, recover weight to RF,
&5Step RF to L side, Step LF Fwd
6-8Make a ½ turn bouncing heels as you turn. Finish with weight on LF

Repeat – No tags, No restarts

Contact: taren,
Please feel free to use different music but do not alter the step sheet without notifying the choreographer first.

LynneWep July 10, 2024
Awesome little dance, choreography flows so well. Really fun to do

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