CopperKnob Stepsheets

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What It Is

( 3 Stimmen)
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Jennifer Oliphant (USA) - June 2024
It Is What It Is - Jenna Raine
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Intro: 8 counts

(1-8) Step touch, 1/8 turn L, step touch, ¼ turn L, step touch, ¼ turn L, ¼ turn L step, 1/8 turn L touch, forward step lock step x2
1&2&Step RF to R side (1), turn 1/8 turn L touching L toe next to RF ending at 10:30 (&), turn ¼ turn L stepping LF to L side (2), touch R toe next to LF ending at 7:30 (&)
3&4&Turn ¼ turn L stepping RF to R side (3), touch L toe next to RF ending at 4:30 (&), turn ¼ turn L stepping LF to L side (4), turn 1/8 turn L touching R toe next to LF ending back at 12:00 (&)
5&6Step RF forward at slight diagonal (5), lock LF behind RF (&), step RF forward at slight diagonal (6)
7&8Step LF forward at slight diagonal (7), lock RF behind LF (&), step LF forward at slight diagonal (8) (12:00)

(9-16&) Press forward, recover, back step lock step, rock back, recover, out out, swivet, recover
1-2Press ball of RF forward pushing hip slightly forward (1), roll recover back onto LF (2)
3&4Step back on RF (3), lock LF in front of RF (&), step back on RF (4)
5-6Rock back on LF (5), recover forward on RF (6) *for added styling – lightly sway your upper body back with the rock on count 5
&7&8&Step LF out to L side (&), step RF out to R side (7), swivet to the R placing weight on ball of LF and heel of RF, shift L heel to the L and R toes to the right (&), recover feet down to standing position (8), slight step onto RF taking full weight (&) (12:00)
RESTART here on Wall 3 with modified step: after swivet recover, touch R toe next to LF on &, ready to start again on 1

(17-25) LF kick, step, ball rock recover, cross and cross and cross, ½ turn unwind, scuff out out
1-2Low kick LF to L diagonal opening body to 10:30 (1), step LF down to L side squaring body back to 12:00 (2)
&3&Step ball of RF next to LF (&), rock to the side on LF (3), recover on RF (&)
4&5&6Cross LF over RF (4), step ball of RF next to LF (&), cross LF over RF (5), step ball of RF next to LF (&), cross LF over RF (6)
7-8&1Unwind ½ turn R ending with weight on LF (7), scuff RF (8), step RF out to R side (&), step LF out to L side (1) (6:00)

(26-32) R heel twist, flick, cross rock recover, slide touch, walk x3
2&3Twist R heel out to R side (2), recover heel to center (7), flick RF to back diagonal (3)
4&Rock RF across LF (4), recover back on LF (&)
5-6Step RF out to R side sliding the LF (5), touch L toe next to RF (6)
7&8Walk LF forward (7), walk RF forward (&), walk LF forward (8) (6:00)
*styling option – Boogie Walk forward on 7&8

Tag at the end of walls 1 and 4:
1-4Rock forward on RF lightly swaying body forward (1), recover back on LF (2), rock back on RF lightly swaying body back (3), recover forward on LF (4)
5-8Step forward on RF (5), sweep LF forward (6) cross LF over RF (7), unwind ½ turn R ending with weight on LF (8)

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