Restart after count 16 on wall 3, ending wall 9 twice repeat cts 25-32 (rock, turn, hitch jump)
#16ct Tag Wall 7 Music tells you what to do
Shuffle side R L R Drag L end 6 O’clock
1&2&Step side R, step together L, step side R, ¼ turn L face 9:00
3&4&Step side L, step together R, step side L, ¼ turn L face 6:00
5&6&Step side R, step together L, step side R, Tap together L (no turn)
7,8Step side L, slowly Drag R to L end 6:00
Fan R L, Heel swivels RLRC, Scuff R, L Toe tip, R kick, cross, kick, step
1&2&3&4&Fan R toes out in, Fan L toes out in, Both heel shift RLR end center
5&6&Scuff R fwd, step R in place, L Toes tap back, step L in place
7&8&R kick fwd, R ankle crossed L shin, R extends fwd, step R in place
Rock fwd L, Recover R, Step back L, Body Roll, Coaster, Skip back L, R
1-4Step fwd L rock, Recover back R, 2 ct Body roll onto back L step
5&6&7&8Back R, together L, Fwd R, Skip back L, Skip back R
Cross rock L, step side L, ¼ turn L, fwd step R 3:00, ½ turn L hitch jump knees RL Clap
1-4L cross rock recover R, Step side L, fwd step R 3:00
&5&6&7,8½ pivot turn L to 9:00 step L, throw R leg through center, lift R knee fwd, jump off of L foot, switch knees L knee up, R foot lands, L foot lands, Clap
*Tag: 16 cts at 9:00 Lyrics at 1:53 says “break it down for me”
*2 steps to the left, grapevine to the R, spin around in the middle, you know we’re doin it right
1-4step L side L, R together, step L side L, R together
5-8step R side R, cross L behind R, step R side R, tap L next to R
9-12Roll chaine turn to the left
13-16celebrate however you want to
#16ct Tag Wall 7 Music tells you what to do
Shuffle side R L R Drag L end 6 O’clock
1&2&Step side R, step together L, step side R, ¼ turn L face 9:00
3&4&Step side L, step together R, step side L, ¼ turn L face 6:00
5&6&Step side R, step together L, step side R, Tap together L (no turn)
7,8Step side L, slowly Drag R to L end 6:00
Fan R L, Heel swivels RLRC, Scuff R, L Toe tip, R kick, cross, kick, step
1&2&3&4&Fan R toes out in, Fan L toes out in, Both heel shift RLR end center
5&6&Scuff R fwd, step R in place, L Toes tap back, step L in place
7&8&R kick fwd, R ankle crossed L shin, R extends fwd, step R in place
Rock fwd L, Recover R, Step back L, Body Roll, Coaster, Skip back L, R
1-4Step fwd L rock, Recover back R, 2 ct Body roll onto back L step
5&6&7&8Back R, together L, Fwd R, Skip back L, Skip back R
Cross rock L, step side L, ¼ turn L, fwd step R 3:00, ½ turn L hitch jump knees RL Clap
1-4L cross rock recover R, Step side L, fwd step R 3:00
&5&6&7,8½ pivot turn L to 9:00 step L, throw R leg through center, lift R knee fwd, jump off of L foot, switch knees L knee up, R foot lands, L foot lands, Clap
*Tag: 16 cts at 9:00 Lyrics at 1:53 says “break it down for me”
*2 steps to the left, grapevine to the R, spin around in the middle, you know we’re doin it right
1-4step L side L, R together, step L side L, R together
5-8step R side R, cross L behind R, step R side R, tap L next to R
9-12Roll chaine turn to the left
13-16celebrate however you want to