CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Modern Cinderella

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Lenka Hecklová (CZ) - May 2024
3 Haselnüsse - Jaques Raupé & Felix Harrer
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Intro: 48 counts from the first beat in music (app. 19 seconds into track)
Sequence: A, A, B, A, A, B, B, A, A*, B, A, A, B

Part A : 32 Counts
1-8Kick R diagonally L forward, kick R diagonally R back 4x
1,2Hop on L and kick R diagonally L forward, Hop on L and kick R diagonally R back 12:00
3,4Hop on L and kick R diagonally L forward, Hop on L and kick R diagonally R back 12:00
5,6Hop on L and kick R diagonally L forward, Hop on L and kick R diagonally R back 12:00
7,8Hop on L and kick R diagonally L forward, Hop on L and kick R diagonally R back 12:00

[9-16] Step R side, step L behind, jump out, jump in, L step side, hitch L, slide R, step L together
1,2Step R to R side, step L behind R 12:00
3,4Jump out, jump together 12:00
5,6&Step L to L side (5), step R next to L and hitch L (6), step L together (&) 12:00
7,8&Slide R to R side (7), drag L together (8), step L next to R and change weight on L(&) 12:00
Restart Here on wall 9 (12:00) and start with part B

17-24½ turn jazz box with a heel, Dorothy step 2x
1-4Step R with heel cross L, Turn ¼ L and step L back, turn ¼ step R to R side, step L across R 6:00
5,6&Step R diagonally R forward, step L behind R, Step R diagonally R forward 6:00
7,8&Step L diagonally L forward, Step R behind L, Step L diagonally L forward 6:00

[25-32] Step out out forward, step in in back, step out out back, step in in forward
1-4Step R diagonally forward, step L out, step R back, step L next to R 6:00
5-8Step out on R heel R diagonally forward, step out on L heel L side, step R back in, step L next to L 6:00
3,4Instead of step R back and step L together, you can do full turn R

Part B : 16 Counts
[1-8] Walk in a circle full turn R
1-4Step R forward 1/8 R, step L forward 1/8 R, step R forward 1/8 R, step L forward 1/8 R - 6:00
5-8Step R forward 1/8 R, step L forward 1/8 R, step R forward 1/8 R, step L forward 1/8 R - 12:00
1-8Instead of single walk circle, you can make a big circle with co-dancers, then face the wall where you finished part A

[9-16] Rock-step R and L, Turn 1 ½ L, jump
1,2&Step R forward (1), recover weight on L (2), step R next to L and change weight on R (&) 12:00
3,4Step L forward, recover weight on R 12:00
5&6Turn ½ L and step L forward (5), turn ½ L and step R back (&), turn ½ L and step L forward (6) 6:00
7,8Step R together (7), jump (8) 6:00

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