Intro: 2x8 Counts
Section 1: Mambo R, Mambo L, Lockstep, Pivot ½ R
1&2RF step to the right, recover on LF, RF close
3&4LF step to the left, recover on RF, LF close
5&6RF step forward, LF cross behind RF, step RF forward
7 8LF step forward, turn ½ right and step on RF
Section 2: Shuffle ½ R, Coasterstep, Press, Touch & Touch
1&2LF step to side with ¼ turn R, RF close, LF step back with ¼ turn R
3&4RF step step back, LF close, RF step forward
5 6LF step forward on toe (press), recover on RF
&7&8LF step back, RF touch toe forward, RF step back, LF touch toe forward
Section 3: Rockstep back, Step ½, Step ¼, Cross Rock, Chasse ¼ R
&1 2LF close, RF step back, LF recover
3 4½ turn L with RF stepping back, ¼ turn L and step LF to the side
5 6RF cross over LF, LF recover
7&8RF step to side, LF close, RF step forward with ¼ turn R
Section 4: Rockstep, Step ½, Step ½, Coasterstep, Elvis Knees 2x
1 2LF step forward, RF recover
3 4½ turn R and step LF forward , ½ turn L and step RF back
5&6LF step back, RF close, LF step forward
7 8RF step to side and bend LF knee in, put weight in LF and bend right knee in
Start again
Restarts: Wall 2 start again after 20 counts change ¼ turn L to ½ turn left (start again facing 6 o’clock)
Wall 5 start again after 16 counts (close LF next to RF to start again with RF)
Contact: Pelckmans kelly - Email:
Section 1: Mambo R, Mambo L, Lockstep, Pivot ½ R
1&2RF step to the right, recover on LF, RF close
3&4LF step to the left, recover on RF, LF close
5&6RF step forward, LF cross behind RF, step RF forward
7 8LF step forward, turn ½ right and step on RF
Section 2: Shuffle ½ R, Coasterstep, Press, Touch & Touch
1&2LF step to side with ¼ turn R, RF close, LF step back with ¼ turn R
3&4RF step step back, LF close, RF step forward
5 6LF step forward on toe (press), recover on RF
&7&8LF step back, RF touch toe forward, RF step back, LF touch toe forward
Section 3: Rockstep back, Step ½, Step ¼, Cross Rock, Chasse ¼ R
&1 2LF close, RF step back, LF recover
3 4½ turn L with RF stepping back, ¼ turn L and step LF to the side
5 6RF cross over LF, LF recover
7&8RF step to side, LF close, RF step forward with ¼ turn R
Section 4: Rockstep, Step ½, Step ½, Coasterstep, Elvis Knees 2x
1 2LF step forward, RF recover
3 4½ turn R and step LF forward , ½ turn L and step RF back
5&6LF step back, RF close, LF step forward
7 8RF step to side and bend LF knee in, put weight in LF and bend right knee in
Start again
Restarts: Wall 2 start again after 20 counts change ¼ turn L to ½ turn left (start again facing 6 o’clock)
Wall 5 start again after 16 counts (close LF next to RF to start again with RF)
Contact: Pelckmans kelly - Email: