Absolute Beginner
1-4Rumba box with rocking chair – step right to right, step left beside right, step right forward and hold.
5-8Rock forward on left, rock back on right, rock back on left and rock forward onto right.
9-12Step left to left, step right beside left, step back on left and hold.
13-16Reverse rocking chair – rock back on right, rock forward on left, rock forward on right and rock back on left.
17-20Grapevine right with a ¼ turn right stepping right to right, cross step left behind right, turn ¼ right stepping right forward and step left beside right.
21,22Rock forward on right and rock back onto left.
23&24Shuffle back stepping back on right, step left beside right and step back on right.
25,26Rock back on left and rock forward onto right.
27&28Shuffle forwards stepping forward on left, step right beside left and step left forward.
29-32Step slightly to right and hip bump right, left, right and left.
Begin again.
TAG: Facing 12 o’clock for the 3rd time there’s a 4 count tag:
1-4Cross over jazz box – Cross step right over left, step back on left, step right to right and cross step left over right. Restart dance facing 12 o’clock.
5-8Rock forward on left, rock back on right, rock back on left and rock forward onto right.
9-12Step left to left, step right beside left, step back on left and hold.
13-16Reverse rocking chair – rock back on right, rock forward on left, rock forward on right and rock back on left.
17-20Grapevine right with a ¼ turn right stepping right to right, cross step left behind right, turn ¼ right stepping right forward and step left beside right.
21,22Rock forward on right and rock back onto left.
23&24Shuffle back stepping back on right, step left beside right and step back on right.
25,26Rock back on left and rock forward onto right.
27&28Shuffle forwards stepping forward on left, step right beside left and step left forward.
29-32Step slightly to right and hip bump right, left, right and left.
Begin again.
TAG: Facing 12 o’clock for the 3rd time there’s a 4 count tag:
1-4Cross over jazz box – Cross step right over left, step back on left, step right to right and cross step left over right. Restart dance facing 12 o’clock.