Intro: 16 Counts (On the mid of midday)
[1-8] Kick ball change, Heel strut. ¼ R Heel strut, Side mambo, Side mambo.
1 & 2Kick R Fwd, Step R together, Step L in place.
3 & 4 &Touch R heel Fwd, Drop R toe, ¼ R touch L heel Fwd, Drop L toe [03:00].
5 & 6, 7 & 8Step R right, Step L in place, Step R together, Step L left, Step R in place, Step L together. *
[9-16] Kick ball change, Heel strut. ¼ R Heel strut, Side mambo, Side mambo.
1 & 2Kick R Fwd, Step R together, Step L in place.
3 & 4 &Touch R heel Fwd, Drop R toe, ¼ R touch L heel Fwd, Drop L toe [06:00].
5 & 6, 7 & 8Step R right, Step L in place, R together, Step L left, Step R in place, L together. † ‡
[17-24] Hip bumps x 3, Hip bumps x 3. Mambo Fwd, Run back.
1 & 2Step R Fwd on diagonal & bump R hip, bump L hip, bump R hip.
3 & 4Step L Fwd on diagonal & bump L hip, bump R hip, bump L hip.
5 & 6, 7 & 8Step R Fwd, Step L in place, Step R together. Run back L-R-L.
[25-32] Mambo back, Run Fwd. Jazz box ¼ R
1 & 2, 3 & 4Step R back, Step L in place, Step R together. Run Fwd L-R-L.
5, 6, 7, 8Cross R over L, ¼ L step L back [09:00], R to side, Step L together.
* Restarts Wall 3 [06:00]
Restart after 8 counts [09:00].
† Tags Wall 7 [12:00]
[1-2] ¼ Pivot L.
Dance 16 counts [06:00].
1, 2Step R Fwd, ¼ turn L put weight on L [03:00].
‡ Ending Wall 11 [06:00]
Finish on count 16 [12:00].
[1-8] Kick ball change, Heel strut. ¼ R Heel strut, Side mambo, Side mambo.
1 & 2Kick R Fwd, Step R together, Step L in place.
3 & 4 &Touch R heel Fwd, Drop R toe, ¼ R touch L heel Fwd, Drop L toe [03:00].
5 & 6, 7 & 8Step R right, Step L in place, Step R together, Step L left, Step R in place, Step L together. *
[9-16] Kick ball change, Heel strut. ¼ R Heel strut, Side mambo, Side mambo.
1 & 2Kick R Fwd, Step R together, Step L in place.
3 & 4 &Touch R heel Fwd, Drop R toe, ¼ R touch L heel Fwd, Drop L toe [06:00].
5 & 6, 7 & 8Step R right, Step L in place, R together, Step L left, Step R in place, L together. † ‡
[17-24] Hip bumps x 3, Hip bumps x 3. Mambo Fwd, Run back.
1 & 2Step R Fwd on diagonal & bump R hip, bump L hip, bump R hip.
3 & 4Step L Fwd on diagonal & bump L hip, bump R hip, bump L hip.
5 & 6, 7 & 8Step R Fwd, Step L in place, Step R together. Run back L-R-L.
[25-32] Mambo back, Run Fwd. Jazz box ¼ R
1 & 2, 3 & 4Step R back, Step L in place, Step R together. Run Fwd L-R-L.
5, 6, 7, 8Cross R over L, ¼ L step L back [09:00], R to side, Step L together.
* Restarts Wall 3 [06:00]
Restart after 8 counts [09:00].
† Tags Wall 7 [12:00]
[1-2] ¼ Pivot L.
Dance 16 counts [06:00].
1, 2Step R Fwd, ¼ turn L put weight on L [03:00].
‡ Ending Wall 11 [06:00]
Finish on count 16 [12:00].