No tags or restarts - 12:00 Wall Start
1,2Right Heel Swivel
3&4Coaster Step RLR
5,6Left Heel Swivel
7&8Coaster Step LRL
1,2&Wizard Step R
3,4&Wizard Step L
5,6Pivot ½ turn to L
7,8Pivot ½ turn to L
1,2&Syncopated weave R (step out R, cross Left, Behind R, Step Out R)
3,4Cross L in front of R step out R
5&6syncopated Weave R (cross L behind R, step out R, cross L in front of R)
7,8pivot ¼ turn to the L (facing towards 9 oclock wall)
1,2Full turn over left shoulder
3&4shuffle forward Right Left Right
5,6Kick forward L then kick to the side
7&8coaster step LRL
1,2Right Heel Swivel
3&4Coaster Step RLR
5,6Left Heel Swivel
7&8Coaster Step LRL
1,2&Wizard Step R
3,4&Wizard Step L
5,6Pivot ½ turn to L
7,8Pivot ½ turn to L
1,2&Syncopated weave R (step out R, cross Left, Behind R, Step Out R)
3,4Cross L in front of R step out R
5&6syncopated Weave R (cross L behind R, step out R, cross L in front of R)
7,8pivot ¼ turn to the L (facing towards 9 oclock wall)
1,2Full turn over left shoulder
3&4shuffle forward Right Left Right
5,6Kick forward L then kick to the side
7&8coaster step LRL