#16 Count Intro
Restart on wall 7 after 16 counts
[1-8] Right heel grind ¼ turn right step weight on L, R coaster step, L wizard step, R wizard step
1,2Grind right heel turning to the right, step back on L
3&4Step back on right foot step left right foot forward
5&6L forward diagonal lock R behind L, step forward L to diagonal
7&8R forward diagonal lock L behind R, step forward R to diagonal
[9-16] Stomp L foot hitch ¼ turn, L coaster step, step R step L, R heel swivel L heel swivel
1,2Stomp turning to the left, L knee up
3&4Step back on L step R L foot forward
5,6Step R foot forward, Step L Foot forward
7&8R heel in wight on R, L heel in Weight on L
[17-24] R sailor, L sailor ¼ turn L, R rock recover L slide R foot back R ball step
1&2R cross behind L, L side step, R side step
3&4L cross behind R, R side step turning left, L side step
5&6R foot rock forward recover L begin R foot slide
7&8finish R foot slide R ball step forward L
[25-32] Scuff and touch, ¾ unwind, ¼ turn jazz box
1&2Scuff kick R forward touch L behind
3,4Unwind ¾ on L foot, weight on both L&R
5, 6, 7, 8Right cross left, L step Back, R ¼ left, L step together
Last Update - 10 Feb. 2025 - R1
Restart on wall 7 after 16 counts
[1-8] Right heel grind ¼ turn right step weight on L, R coaster step, L wizard step, R wizard step
1,2Grind right heel turning to the right, step back on L
3&4Step back on right foot step left right foot forward
5&6L forward diagonal lock R behind L, step forward L to diagonal
7&8R forward diagonal lock L behind R, step forward R to diagonal
[9-16] Stomp L foot hitch ¼ turn, L coaster step, step R step L, R heel swivel L heel swivel
1,2Stomp turning to the left, L knee up
3&4Step back on L step R L foot forward
5,6Step R foot forward, Step L Foot forward
7&8R heel in wight on R, L heel in Weight on L
[17-24] R sailor, L sailor ¼ turn L, R rock recover L slide R foot back R ball step
1&2R cross behind L, L side step, R side step
3&4L cross behind R, R side step turning left, L side step
5&6R foot rock forward recover L begin R foot slide
7&8finish R foot slide R ball step forward L
[25-32] Scuff and touch, ¾ unwind, ¼ turn jazz box
1&2Scuff kick R forward touch L behind
3,4Unwind ¾ on L foot, weight on both L&R
5, 6, 7, 8Right cross left, L step Back, R ¼ left, L step together
Last Update - 10 Feb. 2025 - R1