Intro: 8 counts)
[S1] Cross Rock, Side, Cross Rock, Side, Behind Rock, Side, Behind Rock, Side
1&2Rock/cross R over L, Replace weight on L, Step R to the side
3&4Rock/cross L over R, Replace weight on R, Step L to the side
5&6Rock/cross R behind L, Replace weight on L, Step R to the side
7&8Rock/cross L behind R, Replace weight on R, Step L to the side
[S2] Coaster Step, Step-Pivot 1/4R-Cross, Side Rock-Cross-Side-Behind Rock-Scissor- (Cross to start)
1&2Step back on R, Step L beside R, Step forward on R
3&4Step forward on L, Make a ¼ turn right recover weight on R (3:00), Cross L over R
5&6&Rock R to the side, Replace weight on L, Cross R over L, Step L to the side
7&8&Rock/cross R behind L, Replace weight on L, Step R to the side, Step L next to R
[S1] Cross Rock, Side, Cross Rock, Side, Behind Rock, Side, Behind Rock, Side
1&2Rock/cross R over L, Replace weight on L, Step R to the side
3&4Rock/cross L over R, Replace weight on R, Step L to the side
5&6Rock/cross R behind L, Replace weight on L, Step R to the side
7&8Rock/cross L behind R, Replace weight on R, Step L to the side
[S2] Coaster Step, Step-Pivot 1/4R-Cross, Side Rock-Cross-Side-Behind Rock-Scissor- (Cross to start)
1&2Step back on R, Step L beside R, Step forward on R
3&4Step forward on L, Make a ¼ turn right recover weight on R (3:00), Cross L over R
5&6&Rock R to the side, Replace weight on L, Cross R over L, Step L to the side
7&8&Rock/cross R behind L, Replace weight on L, Step R to the side, Step L next to R