CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Frederick Hodgin (USA) - 19 February 2024
Moonlight - Kali Uchis
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#4 count intro. No tags or restarts. Nightclub 2-Step Timing.

[1-8] ½ Nightclub Basic, Pivot ¼, Cross, 4-Step Waterfall, Rock, Recover, ½ Turn, Sweep
1&2Rock R Behind L, Recover L, Step R to Side w/ ¼ turn R (3:00)
3&4Step Forward on L w/ ¼ turn R, Step R to Side, Cross L over R (6:00)
5&6&Step Back R, Step Back and L Diagonal on L, Cross R over L, Step Back L (6:00)
7&8&Rock Back R, Recover L, Step Forward R w/ ½ Turn L, Step L Back and Quickly Sweep R (12:00)

[9-16] Sweep, Back Rock, 3-Step Turn, Cross-Rock, Recover, Side, Brush L, Brush R, Down & Point, Rise
1,2Step Back R and Sweep L, Rock Back L (12:00)
3&4Recover and Full Turn Forward Over 3 Steps: R-L-R (12:00)
5&6Cross-Rock L Over R, Recover R, Step L to Side (12:00)
7&8&Take R Toe and Brush L, Brush R (Trace Figure 8 on Floor), Bend Down on L and Point R to Side, Rise on L and Drag R Foot In to L (12:00)

[17-24] Prissy Walk x 2, ¼ Turn, Touch, Developpe, L Serpentine w/ Ronde, ½ Hinge Turn, R Hip Bump
1,2Walk Forward R while Crossing Over L, Walk Forward L while Crossing Over R (12:00)
3&4&Step Forward R w/ ¼ Turn L, Touch L to R, L Developpe, Step L to Side (9:00)
5&6Cross R over L, Step L to Side, Step R Behind L and Ronde L (9:00)
7&8&Cross L Behind R , Step R to Side, Hinge Turn ½ to R and Step L to Side, Step R to Side and Sway Hips R (3:00)

[25-32] L Hip Bump, Sweep, Cross, Side, Back, Hook, ¾ Turn, Bachata R, Touch, Side, Sit
1,2Step L to Side and Sway Hips L, Cross R Over L and Sweep L Forward (3:00)
3&4&Cross L Over R, Step R to Side, Step L Back w/ ¼ Turn L, Hook R (Snap Fingers At Sides)(12:00)
5&6&Step R and Turn ¼ R, Step L to Side and Turn ½ R, Step R to Side, Collect L to R (9:00)
7&8&Step R to Side, Touch L to R, Step L to Side, Sit on L (9:00)

Styling Option: On Count 8 Raise L Arm Above Head, Bend Arm and Comb Hair Back while sitting on &-Count.

ENDING: On Wall 7 after 16 counts, Step Forward R and Pivot ½ L to Face Front Wall and End the Dance.

Frederick Hodgin

Last Update – 8 Dec. 2024 – R1

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