CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Samantha Seebachan (USA) - March 2024
Photo ID - Remi Wolf & Dominic Fike : (Clean Version)
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R Toe, R heel, triple step,L toe, L heel, triple step
1,2,3&4right toe, right heel, right foot RLR
5,6,7&8left toe, left heel, left foot LRL

½ pivot turn, ½ pivot turn, 2 hip bumps, left sailor
1234step R forward, turn counter-clockwise, step R forward, turn counter-clockwise weight ending on L
5&6, 7&8hips R R, step L behind R step R to right side step L to left side

Point R, point L, point forward R point forward L, rock recover forward, rock recover backwards
1&2&3&4&R toe point out, switch, L toe point out, switch, R heel tap forward, switch, L heel tap forward, hop of L foot weight should be on L
5, 6, 7, 8rock recover forward R, rock recover backward R

Toe heel strut, ½ turn left, toe heel strut, ¼ turn left, R hip bump w shoulder brush, L hip bumps w shoulder brush
1, 2, 3, 4R toe heel, ½ turn counter-clockwise, L toe heel strut, ¼ turn counter-clockwise
5, 6, 7, 8bounce to the right and brush your left shoulder, bounce to the left and brush your right shoulder

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