Moves start as singing starts
(1-8) 4 Sugar-foots moving forward
1& 2Right toe-heel stomp
3 & 4Left toe-heel stomp
5 & 6Right toe-heel stomp
7 & 8Left toe-heel stomp
(9-16) Right box step, Right box step w/ ¼ turn right
1-4Cross right foot over left, step back on left, step right to right side, step forward on left
5-8Cross right foot over left, step back on left, step right to right side, turning ¼ turn right, step forward on left
(optional hop when you arrive to new wall)
(17-24) Grapevine right, Grapevine left
1-4Step right to right side, step left behind right, step right to right side, tap left next to right
5-8Step left to left side, step right behind left, step left to left side, tap right next to left
(25-32) “Electric hitches” - Combo of hitches and move from the electric slide
1-2Step down right foot, hitch quarter left leg
3-4Step down left foot, tap right foot in
5-6Right foot back, hitch left
7-8Drop left foot, hitch right
(So you will be back to facing the wall you were on right after the jazz squares)
(33-40) Cross-rock-shuffle twice
1-2Cross right foot over left
3 & 4Shuffle right
5-6Cross left over right
7 & 8Shuffle left
(41-48) Hoedown and scoots
1-2Right knee in
3-4Left knee in
5 & 6Scoot to the right (heels-toes-heels)
7 & 8Scoot to the left (heels-toes-heels)
After first wall pause 4 counts, then begin again when she begins singing again
Restarts (both on 9 o’clock wall)
Cue 1: When she begins the chorus “This aint Texas…” for the second time
Cue 2: When she begins the chorus “This aint Texas…” for the third time
(1-8) 4 Sugar-foots moving forward
1& 2Right toe-heel stomp
3 & 4Left toe-heel stomp
5 & 6Right toe-heel stomp
7 & 8Left toe-heel stomp
(9-16) Right box step, Right box step w/ ¼ turn right
1-4Cross right foot over left, step back on left, step right to right side, step forward on left
5-8Cross right foot over left, step back on left, step right to right side, turning ¼ turn right, step forward on left
(optional hop when you arrive to new wall)
(17-24) Grapevine right, Grapevine left
1-4Step right to right side, step left behind right, step right to right side, tap left next to right
5-8Step left to left side, step right behind left, step left to left side, tap right next to left
(25-32) “Electric hitches” - Combo of hitches and move from the electric slide
1-2Step down right foot, hitch quarter left leg
3-4Step down left foot, tap right foot in
5-6Right foot back, hitch left
7-8Drop left foot, hitch right
(So you will be back to facing the wall you were on right after the jazz squares)
(33-40) Cross-rock-shuffle twice
1-2Cross right foot over left
3 & 4Shuffle right
5-6Cross left over right
7 & 8Shuffle left
(41-48) Hoedown and scoots
1-2Right knee in
3-4Left knee in
5 & 6Scoot to the right (heels-toes-heels)
7 & 8Scoot to the left (heels-toes-heels)
After first wall pause 4 counts, then begin again when she begins singing again
Restarts (both on 9 o’clock wall)
Cue 1: When she begins the chorus “This aint Texas…” for the second time
Cue 2: When she begins the chorus “This aint Texas…” for the third time