CopperKnob Stepsheets

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My First Kiss

( 3 Stimmen)
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Michael Holowiak (USA) - November 2023
Intro: 32 counts, start on “I said no more teachers…”

TAG: 8 count Tag on 5th wall (When Ke$ha sings “my first kiss went a little like this...” and it cuts off)
1, 2Stomp right foot (1), stomp left foot (2) (12:00)
3, 4Jump and land right crossed over left (3), unwind over left shoulder (4) (6:00)
5, 6Rock left out to left side (5), recover on right (6)
7&8Weave (left behind right (7), right out to side (&), cross left over right (8))

[1-8]: Right step side, left behind, heel switches (diagonal) x2, step left to side and ½ turn heel switches (diagonal)
1, 2Right foot to right side (1), left behind right (2)
&3&4Put right foot next to left (&) and switch left heel out (3) (diagonal/10:30), left next to right (&) and switch to right heel out (4) (diagonal/10:30) (12:00 wall)
&5, 6Put right foot next to left (&) and switch left out to left side (5), swing right foot around and make a 1/2 turn over right shoulder (6) (6:00)
&7&8Put left foot next to right (&) and switch right heel out (7) (diagonal/4:30), put right foot next to left (&) and switch left heel out (8) (diagonal/4:30) (6:00 wall)

[9-16]: Rock forward, recover back, rock back, recover forward, kick ball change x2 (all on left diagonal of 6:00 wall (4:30))
&1, 2Put left foot next to right (&) and rock forward on the right (1), recover back on left (2)
&3, 4Put right foot next to left (&) and rock back on the left (3) (hitch right leg), recover/stomp right foot down (4)
5&6Left kick ball change
7&8Left kick ball change

[17-24]: Rock left to side, recover right, triple ¾ turn, cross rock & recover, triple step ¼ turn
1, 2Rock left out to left side (facing 6:00 wall, rock goes towards 3:00 wall) (1), recover on right (2)
3&4Swing left behind right triple step 3/4 turn over left shoulder (L, R, L) (9:00)
5, 6Cross rock right over left (5), recover on left (6)
7&81/4 right turn right shuffle (R, L, R) (12:00)

[25-32]: Step ½ turn with kick, coaster step, ¾ turn, cross shuffle
1,2Step left forward (1), 1/2 turn over right shoulder right leg kick (2) (6:00)
3&4Right coaster step (right foot behind (3), left foot together (&), right foot forward (4))
5, 6Left step forward 1/2 turn over right shoulder (5) (12:00), step right foot behind 1/4 turn over right shoulder (6) (3:00)
7&8Left over right cross shuffle (L, R, L)


Last Update: 9 Mar 2024

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