Intro: 32 count, begin on lyrics
Double Skates right and left, rock-recover, triple ½ turn
1&2double skate right (right, together, right on slight diagonal)
3&4double skate left (left, together, left on slight diagonal)
5-6rock right forward- recover on left
7&8triple ½ turn right
¼ turn, crossing shuffle, step-behind, triple in place
1-2step left foot forward, ¼ turn right
3&4crossing left over right shuffle to the right
**restart: after starting fourth wall (9:00) you will be facing 6:00 to restart
5-6step right to the side, step left behind
7&8triple RLR in place
Cross rock, shuffle left, 2 kick-ball-change
1-2cross left over right, recover on right
3&4shuffle to left (LRL)
5-8 2kick-ball-change
Step-lock-step 2X, ½ turn, walk 2X
1&2step-lock-step (right forward, left lock behind right, right forward)
3&4step-lock-step (left forward, right lock behind left, left forward)
5-6step right forward, ½ turn left
7-8walk right, left
**one restart after first 12 counts starting the fourth time through dance (facing 6:00)
Double Skates right and left, rock-recover, triple ½ turn
1&2double skate right (right, together, right on slight diagonal)
3&4double skate left (left, together, left on slight diagonal)
5-6rock right forward- recover on left
7&8triple ½ turn right
¼ turn, crossing shuffle, step-behind, triple in place
1-2step left foot forward, ¼ turn right
3&4crossing left over right shuffle to the right
**restart: after starting fourth wall (9:00) you will be facing 6:00 to restart
5-6step right to the side, step left behind
7&8triple RLR in place
Cross rock, shuffle left, 2 kick-ball-change
1-2cross left over right, recover on right
3&4shuffle to left (LRL)
5-8 2kick-ball-change
Step-lock-step 2X, ½ turn, walk 2X
1&2step-lock-step (right forward, left lock behind right, right forward)
3&4step-lock-step (left forward, right lock behind left, left forward)
5-6step right forward, ½ turn left
7-8walk right, left
**one restart after first 12 counts starting the fourth time through dance (facing 6:00)