CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Want You to Stay

( 18 Stimmen)
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Jen Michele (USA) - January 2024
You Should Probably Leave - Chris Stapleton
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16 count intro
2 restarts

Alternate Music: Hella Good by No Doubt  (no tags, no restarts to this music!) 

Big step to right, hold, behind-side-cross, big step to right, hold, ball cross, ¼ turn step back on left
1-2take a big step to the right on the right foot (1), and slightly lean/sway right as you hold (2)
3&4step left foot behind right (3), small step right on the right foot (&), cross step left foot over the right (4)
5-6take a big step to the right on the right foot (5), and slightly lean/sway right as you hold (6)
&7-8step on the ball of left foot next to the right foot (&), cross step right foot over the left (7), make a ¼ turn right as you step back on the left foot

*First restart happens here on WALL 3 (wall 3 is at 6:00 and the restart happens while facing 9:00)*
*Second restart happens here on WALL 6 (wall 6 is at 9:00 and the restart happens while facing 6:00)*

Rock, recover, ½ turn over left shoulder x2 (full turn), shuffle forward, mambo step
1-2rock back on the right foot (1), recover weight forward on the left foot (2)
3-4make a ½ turn left as you step back on the right foot (3), and another ½ turn left as you step forward on the left foot (4)
** you can also walk through the turns if you prefer – walking forward right, left**
5&6shuffle forward stepping right forward(5), left next to right(&), right foot forward(6)
7&8mambo forward rocking weight forward on left(7), weight back on right foot(&), weight back on left foot (stepping back)(8)

Step back and sweep left, sweep right, rock, recover, ½ turn while hitching right and drag left back, coaster on left
&1-2quick and small step back on right foot(&), sweeping left foot our and around to the left stepping back on it(1), then sweep right foot out and around the right(2)
3-4rock weight back on the right foot(3), recover weight forward onto the left foot(4)
5-6make ½ turn left on the left foot as you slightly hitch the right knee up(5), then step back on the right as you drag the left foot back(6)
7&8step back on the left foot(7), step the right foot next to the left(&), step the left foot forward(8)

¼ turning walk right, left, ¼ turning shuffle, ¼ turning walk left, right, 1 ¼ triple turn (or ¼ turning shuffle)
1-2take two walking steps as you make a ¼ turn right – walk right(1), walk left(2)
3&4make ¼ turn as you shuffle - left(3), right(&), left(4)
5-6take two walking steps as you make ¼ turn right – walk left(5), walk right(6)
7&8making a 1 ¼ turn right – do a triple turn- stepping left(7), right(&), left(8)
**you can take the 1 ¼ turn out if you would like and just do another ¼ shuffle to the right – stepping left(7), right(&), left(8) **

**Note for ending to face front wall: the dance ends on count 7 of the 3rd section (after you 1/2 turn hitch with a drag back, instead of doing a coaster step make a 1/4 turn left to step on the left foot (to the side) facing the front wall**

See you on the dance floors! 
Email Jen Michele with any questions:

Last Update: 13 Jul 2024

dl January 4, 2024
Another fun dance, thank you Jen!!

Jen Michele February 17, 2024
Aww thank you so much! 🩷

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