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#32 count intro weight begins on left
S1 step touch, step touch with ¼ turn, back shuffle, rock recover.
1-4step right foot out to the side, left comes in for a touch next to right, step left out to the side, ¼ turn right with right foot touching next to left
5&6backwards shuffle (RLR)
7-8rock back onto left foot and recover weight to right
S2 step, behind, present heel, and cross, half turn , cross shuffle
12&3&4¼ turn right stepping left out, right foot comes behind, step left back presenting right heel out, step right back, cross left over right
567&8step right back w/ ¼ turn left, ¼ turn left again stepping left out to side, cross shuffle over left foot (RLR)
S3 ¼ turn Monterey, hitch, vaudevilles
1-4point left out to side, bring in left w/ ¼ turn left, point right out to side, right comes up for hitch forward and across
5&6&7&8(On diagonal) cross right over left, step left to side, present right heel, step right down and cross left over right, step right foot to side, present left heel
S4 Step touch, step heel, ball step, ½ turn, ½ turn, stomp stomp
&1&2step left down in place touch right next to left, step right back and present left heel
&34bring left in stepping down, step right foot forward, half turn over left
5-8step right foot forward, half turn over left, stomp right in place stomp left in place.
Last Update - 10 Jan. 2024 - R1
#32 count intro weight begins on left
S1 step touch, step touch with ¼ turn, back shuffle, rock recover.
1-4step right foot out to the side, left comes in for a touch next to right, step left out to the side, ¼ turn right with right foot touching next to left
5&6backwards shuffle (RLR)
7-8rock back onto left foot and recover weight to right
S2 step, behind, present heel, and cross, half turn , cross shuffle
12&3&4¼ turn right stepping left out, right foot comes behind, step left back presenting right heel out, step right back, cross left over right
567&8step right back w/ ¼ turn left, ¼ turn left again stepping left out to side, cross shuffle over left foot (RLR)
S3 ¼ turn Monterey, hitch, vaudevilles
1-4point left out to side, bring in left w/ ¼ turn left, point right out to side, right comes up for hitch forward and across
5&6&7&8(On diagonal) cross right over left, step left to side, present right heel, step right down and cross left over right, step right foot to side, present left heel
S4 Step touch, step heel, ball step, ½ turn, ½ turn, stomp stomp
&1&2step left down in place touch right next to left, step right back and present left heel
&34bring left in stepping down, step right foot forward, half turn over left
5-8step right foot forward, half turn over left, stomp right in place stomp left in place.
Last Update - 10 Jan. 2024 - R1