CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Hei äijä

( 2 Stimmen)
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Petri A. Räty (FIN) - December 2023
Hei äijä - Pate Mustajärvi
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Notes: Tag after chorus at walls 3 and 5, facing [06:00].
Contra version: Even rows do turning tag at wall 3, odd rows at wall 5. Mind the gap.
Ending: at the end of the 8th wall, count 31-32. Music slows at end, about last 4 counts.

[1-8] 4x Walk, ½ R Monterey
1-4Walk forward R, L, R, L
5Point RF toe to right side (5),
6Drag RF together while turning ½ R and put weight onto RF (6) [06:00]
7,8Point LF toe to left side (7), Step/Stomp LF together (8)

[9-16] Grapevine R, Stomp up (Stamp), Grapevine L, Scuff
1,2,3Step RF right (1), Step LF behind RF (2), Step RF right (3)
4Stomp up/Stamp with LF (4)
5,6,7Step LF left (5), Step RF behind LF (6), Step LF left (7)
8Scuff with RF heel (8)

[17-24] 2x R V-Step,
1,2Step RF open forward diagonal (1), Step LF open to left (2)
3,4Step RF back to starting position (3), Step LF together (4)
5-8Repeat 1-4

[25-32] Forwarding K-Step (Slalom)
1,2Step RF forward right diagonal (1), Touch LF toe next to RF (2)
3,4Step LF forward left diagonal (3), Touch RF toe next to LF (4) [High five /w contra]
5,6Step RF backward right diagonal (5), Touch LF toe next to RF (6) [Slower at the end]
7,8Step LF backward left diagonal (7), Touch RF toe next to LF (8)
7,8Step long step back with LF (7), Drag RF together and Stomp (8) [12:00]
Contra ending
7Turn ½ L and Step long step forward with LF (7) [12:00]
8Drag RF together and Stomp (8) [Grap your cowboy hat’s front dip]

TAG (non-turning)
[1-4] Side points
1,2Point RF toe side (1), step RF together (2)
3,4Point LF toe side (3), step LF together (4)

TAG (turning for contra)
[1-4] ½ R Monterey
1,2Point RF toe side (1), step RF together while turning ½ R (2) [12:00]
3,4Point LF toe side (2), step LF together (4)

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