Dance begins 16 counts after music starts. (There will be a break in the lyrics when the dance starts. If you start on the lyrics it will need a restart in a weird spot. If started here no restart or tag is needed)
No Tags, No Restarts
[1-8] Kick, together, point, Slide L In, Cross shuffle, ¼ forward shuffle
1&2R kick forward, together on R, point L to side.
3,4Slide L to center
5&6L cross shuffle
7&8¼ turn into a R forward shuffle.
[9-16] L Rock recover, L coaster, R rocking chair
1,2Rock L, recover R
3&4L coaster step
5,6Rock R forward, recover L
7,8Rock R back, recover L
[17-24] ¼ turn R heel grind rock, coaster step, ¼ turn L heel grind rock, coaster step
1,2R ¼ turn heel grind rock
3&4R coaster step
5,6L ¼ turn heel grind rock
7&8L coaster step
[25-32] V-Step, Scuff R, touch front, 2 twists
1,2Step R foot out to R diagonal, Step L foot to left diagonal
3,4Step R foot in to center, step L foot in to center
5,6scuff R foot forward, touch toe in front with a bent knee
7,8Twist foot 2x (like squishing a bug)
No Tags, No Restarts
[1-8] Kick, together, point, Slide L In, Cross shuffle, ¼ forward shuffle
1&2R kick forward, together on R, point L to side.
3,4Slide L to center
5&6L cross shuffle
7&8¼ turn into a R forward shuffle.
[9-16] L Rock recover, L coaster, R rocking chair
1,2Rock L, recover R
3&4L coaster step
5,6Rock R forward, recover L
7,8Rock R back, recover L
[17-24] ¼ turn R heel grind rock, coaster step, ¼ turn L heel grind rock, coaster step
1,2R ¼ turn heel grind rock
3&4R coaster step
5,6L ¼ turn heel grind rock
7&8L coaster step
[25-32] V-Step, Scuff R, touch front, 2 twists
1,2Step R foot out to R diagonal, Step L foot to left diagonal
3,4Step R foot in to center, step L foot in to center
5,6scuff R foot forward, touch toe in front with a bent knee
7,8Twist foot 2x (like squishing a bug)