Step Tap forward x2, Forward, Step Tap Back x2.
1-4Step right forward, tap left beside right, step left forward, tap right beside left
5-8Step right back, tap left beside right, step left back, tap right beside left.
Rock forward, Rock Side, Weave Point.
1-4Step right forward, recover on left, step right to right side, recover left,
5-8Step right cross left, step left to left side, step right behind left, point left to left side.
Rock forward, Rock Side, Weave Point.
1-4Step left forward, recover right step left to left side recover right,
5-8Step left cross right, step right to right side, step left behind right, point right to right side
Paddle ¼ x2
1.Step forward and with weight on the balls of both feet.
2.Using the ball of the forward foot as a “pusher,” paddle a 1/4 shifting your weight onto the other foot.
3.Step forward and with weight on the balls of both feet.
4.Using the ball of the forward foot as a “pusher,” paddle a 1/4 shifting your weight onto the other foot.
Rocking Chair
5-8Step forward on right, recover left, step back on right, recover left.
1-4Step right forward, tap left beside right, step left forward, tap right beside left
5-8Step right back, tap left beside right, step left back, tap right beside left.
Rock forward, Rock Side, Weave Point.
1-4Step right forward, recover on left, step right to right side, recover left,
5-8Step right cross left, step left to left side, step right behind left, point left to left side.
Rock forward, Rock Side, Weave Point.
1-4Step left forward, recover right step left to left side recover right,
5-8Step left cross right, step right to right side, step left behind right, point right to right side
Paddle ¼ x2
1.Step forward and with weight on the balls of both feet.
2.Using the ball of the forward foot as a “pusher,” paddle a 1/4 shifting your weight onto the other foot.
3.Step forward and with weight on the balls of both feet.
4.Using the ball of the forward foot as a “pusher,” paddle a 1/4 shifting your weight onto the other foot.
Rocking Chair
5-8Step forward on right, recover left, step back on right, recover left.