CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Headed For the Sun

( 3 Stimmen)
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Aurora de Jong (USA) - November 2023
We Run - Midnight Riot
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32 count intro (start on lyrics)

R forward rock/recover, R step forward ½ turn right, *full forward turn right
1-2Rock R forward (1), Recover to L (2)
3-4Step R forward, making ½ turn right (3), Hold (4) (6:00)
5-6Step L back making ½ turn right (5), Step R forward making ½ turn right (6) (6:00)
7-8Step L forward (7), Hold (8)
*non-turning option for counts 5-8: Run! Step L forward (5), Step R forward (6), Step L forward (7), Hold (8)

Stomps with heel/toe walk-in 2x (R and L)
1-4Stomp R foot forward diagonally to right (1), Swivel L heel in (2), Swivel L toe in (3), Swivel L heel in (4)
5-8Stomp L foot forward and slightly left (5), Swivel R heel in (6), Swivel R toe in (7), Swivel R heel in (8)

R backwards rumba box
1-2Step R to right (1), step L to R (2)
3-4Step R back (3), Hold (4)
5-6Step L to left (5), Step R to left (6)
7-8Step L Forward (7), Hold (8)

Modified K step (forward touch, back touch, back touch, back touch)
1-2Step R diagonally forward to right (1), touch L to R (2)
3-4Step L back to home (3), touch R to L (4)
5-6Step R diagonally back to right (5), touch L to R (6)
7-8Step L diagonally back to left (7), touch R to L (8)

R grapevine w/scuff, L lock-step forward w/scuff
1-4Step R to right (1), step L behind R (2), step R to right (3), scuff L forward (4)
5-8Step L forward (5), step R behind L (6), step L forward (7), scuff R forward (8)

R forward stomp/recover, R step forward ¼ right, L forward stomp/recover, L step forward ¼ left
1-2Stomp R forward (1), Recover to L (2)
3-4Step R forward, making ¼ right turn (3), Hold (4) (9:00)
5-7Stomp L forward (5), Recover to R (6)
7-8Step L forward, making ¼ turn left (7), Hold (8) (6:00)

2 points of a fall-away diamond pattern (making ¼ turn right)
1-4Cross R over L (1), Step L back making ⅛ turn right (2), step R back (3), Hold (4)
5-8Step L behind R (5), step R to right making ⅛ turn right (6), step L across R (7), Hold (8) (9:00)

Side touch, side touch, ¾ walk-around (Rocket to the Sun!)
1-2Step R to right (1), touch L to R (2)
3-4Step L to left (3), touch R to L (4)
5-8¾ right walkaround to 6:00: Step R forward making ¼ turn right (12:00) (5), step L forward making 1/8 turn right (6) (1:30), step R forward making 1/4 turn right (4:30) (7), step L forward making ⅛ turn right (6:00) (8)

The music ends during wall 8 with only the last 8 counts of the dance remaining. Just go ahead and do those last 8 counts as normal and you’ll end up at the front wall!

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