Ultra Beginner - Partner
(adapted from Line dance by Georgie Mygrant)
INTRO: 16 counts
Scissors R/L
1-4Step R to side, step L close to R, cross R over L hold
5-8Step L to side, step R close to L, cross L over R hold
Lock Step R/L
1-4Step R diagonally, lock L behind R, Step R, L tap or brush
5-8Step L diagonally, lock R behind L, Step L, R tap or brush
Walk Forward 3, Kick, Walk Back 3, Kick
1-4Step forward on R, L, R, Kick L
5-8Step back on L, R, L, Kick R
RT Rocking Chair, RT Jazz Box
1-4Step R front, Rock back on L, Step back on R, Rock forward on L.
5-8R crosses over L, L step back, R step to R side, L step beside
This dance is a very good dance to teach to beginner couples because there are no turns. Happy dancing.
INTRO: 16 counts
Scissors R/L
1-4Step R to side, step L close to R, cross R over L hold
5-8Step L to side, step R close to L, cross L over R hold
Lock Step R/L
1-4Step R diagonally, lock L behind R, Step R, L tap or brush
5-8Step L diagonally, lock R behind L, Step L, R tap or brush
Walk Forward 3, Kick, Walk Back 3, Kick
1-4Step forward on R, L, R, Kick L
5-8Step back on L, R, L, Kick R
RT Rocking Chair, RT Jazz Box
1-4Step R front, Rock back on L, Step back on R, Rock forward on L.
5-8R crosses over L, L step back, R step to R side, L step beside
This dance is a very good dance to teach to beginner couples because there are no turns. Happy dancing.