Ultra Beginner
This dance has been choreographed especially for the beginners in my class to give them the confidence to know that “they’ve got this and they can do it too”.
Start on the word “Can’t”
[1 – 8] Side Taps R and L, Vine Right
1 – 4R step to right side, L touch next to R, L step to left side, R touch next to L
5 – 8R step to right side, L behind R, R step to right side, L touch next to R
[9 – 16] Side Taps L and R Vine Left
1 – 4L step to left side, R touch next to L, R step to right side, L touch next to R
5 – 8L step to left side, R behind L, L step to left side, R touch next to L
[17 – 24] Rocking Chair, 2 Paddles ¼ turn
1 - 4R step forward, recover on L, step back on R, recover on L
5 – 8Step forward on R, pivot 1/8 left on ball of L foot, step forward on R, pivot 1/8 left on ball of L foot
[25 – 32] Rocking Chair, Hip Bumps
1 – 4R step forward, recover on L, step back on R, recover on L
5 – 8Feet together and hip bumps: RLRL
Restart the dance again.
Restarts: Nil
Tags: Nil
End of Dance: Wall 10 – dance first 8 steps then L step to side, R touch next to L, Turning right to face front (¼ turn) step R to R side, step L next to R, hip bumps x3 (LRL)
Last Update: 15 Feb 2025
Start on the word “Can’t”
[1 – 8] Side Taps R and L, Vine Right
1 – 4R step to right side, L touch next to R, L step to left side, R touch next to L
5 – 8R step to right side, L behind R, R step to right side, L touch next to R
[9 – 16] Side Taps L and R Vine Left
1 – 4L step to left side, R touch next to L, R step to right side, L touch next to R
5 – 8L step to left side, R behind L, L step to left side, R touch next to L
[17 – 24] Rocking Chair, 2 Paddles ¼ turn
1 - 4R step forward, recover on L, step back on R, recover on L
5 – 8Step forward on R, pivot 1/8 left on ball of L foot, step forward on R, pivot 1/8 left on ball of L foot
[25 – 32] Rocking Chair, Hip Bumps
1 – 4R step forward, recover on L, step back on R, recover on L
5 – 8Feet together and hip bumps: RLRL
Restart the dance again.
Restarts: Nil
Tags: Nil
End of Dance: Wall 10 – dance first 8 steps then L step to side, R touch next to L, Turning right to face front (¼ turn) step R to R side, step L next to R, hip bumps x3 (LRL)
Last Update: 15 Feb 2025