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Drunk, And I Don't Wanna Go Home!

( 11 Stimmen)
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Advanced Beginner - Circle
Sandie Witmer (USA) - October 2023
Drunk (And I Don't Wanna Go Home) - Elle King & Miranda Lambert
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Intro: 16 Counts Circle Line Dance Refer to Multi-Circle Demo Video

Section 1: Pivot ¼ Turn L; Pivot ½ Turn L; Walk R L; Heel Splits & Elbow Fans
(Start dance with dancers facing inner circle) (Hands on hips for counts 1-6)
1-2Step forward right, pivot on left turning ¼ left.
3-4Side forward right, pivot on left turning ½ left.
5-6Step forward right, step left beside right.
7-8Fan heels out and in while fanning elbows out and in (in syncopation with feet).
(Dancers face center circle; dance moves counter clockwise in a circle)

Section 2: Heel Home R, L; Side Rock Recover; Diagonal Rock Recover
1-2(Exaggerated) Touch right heel forward with left arm bent and fist up; step right foot home and drop left arm to left side.
3-4(Exaggerated) Touch left heel forward with right arm bent and fist up; step left foot home and drop right arm to right side.
5-6Step side right (sweep right arm out to side in tandem), recover side left (bringing right arm down to right side).
7-8Step diagonal right to 1:30 (sweep right arm out to side in tandem), recover side left (bringing right arm down to right side).
(Dancers face forward in the circle)

Section 3: Side Rock Recover R, Cross Shuffle L; Side Rock Recover L, Cross Shuffle R
1-2Step right 1/8 turn facing center circle, sweeping right arm out to side in tandem (1), recover left bringing right arm to right side (2).
3&4(Place hands on hips) Turn ¼ left and cross right over left, step left beside/behind right, cross right over left (Circle moves left).
5-6Turn body to face ¼ right, facing center circle, step side left, sweeping left arm out to side in tandem (5), recover side right dropping arm to left side (6).
7&8(Place hands on hips) Turn ¼ right facing center circle and cross left over right, step right beside/behind left, cross left over right (Circle moves right).
(Dancers start section facing center circle)

Section 4: Side, Behind; Chasse R; Cross L Over R, Step R; Coaster
1-2(Glide both arms straight down at sides, palms flat and facing down to floor) Turn ¼ left while stepping side right, cross left behind right.
3&4(Glide both arms straight down at sides, palms flat and facing down to floor) Chasse right, left, right.
5-6Turning ¼ right, cross left over right while sweeping left arm across body in tandem with left foot (5), turning ¼ left facing center circle, step right (6).
7&8(Hands on hips) Step back on left, step back right beside left, step forward left.
(Dancers facing center circle)

End of Dance (EOD)

No tags, No restarts, Dance in controlled continuous rhythm through any beat changes.

Alternate Music:
First Rodeo by Cooper Alan (Country)
Need You Now by Lady A (Country)
I Don’t Want This Night To End by Luke Bryan (Country)
One Mississippi by Kane Brown (Country)
The Beat Goes On by Sonny & Cher (60’s)
Tubthumping by Chumbawamba (90’s)
Wannabe by The Spice Girls (Pop)
Can’t Get Enough Of Your Love by Barry White (DISCO)
Natural by Breland (Country)
Roam by B52's (New Wave)

Thank You 😊

YouTube - Dance Tribe Line Dancers

Claudia7071 October 21, 2023
Very creative dance
Fun to dance

Sandie Witmer October 21, 2023
Thanks so much! 💖

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