CopperKnob Stepsheets

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First Marriage (초혼) Remix

( 7 Stimmen)
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High Beginner
Kim Duck Hwa (KOR) - October 2023
First Marriage (초혼) (Remix썬그리) - Jang Yoon-jeong (장윤정)
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Intro : 32 count
Restart : after 4wall 32count (6:00)

Section 1 V-step. Side touch. Together touch. Side step. Together touch
1-2RF Step forward diagonal right, LF step forward diagonal left
3-4RF Step back, LF step back
5-6RF right touch, RF together touch LF
7-8RF right step, LF together touch RF

Section 2 V-step. Side touch. Together touch. Side step. Together touch
1-2LF Step forward diagonal left, RF step forward diagonal right
3-4LF Step back, RF step back
5-6LF right touch, LF together touch RF
7-8LF right step, RF together touch LF

Section 3 Side step. Cross touch. Side step. Cross touch. Grapevine
1-2RF Step right, LF Cross touch
3-4LF Step right, RF Cross touch
5-6RF Side step, LF Behind
7-8RF Side step, LF touch

Section 4 Side step. Cross touch. Side step. Cross touch. Grapevine 1/4(9:00). Scuff
1-2LF Step right, RF Cross touch
3-4RF Step right, LF Cross touch
5-6LF Side step, RF Behind
7-81/4 turn left LF fwd step(9:00), RF Scuff

Restart - wall 4, after 32counts (6:00)
1/4 turn left LF fwd step(9:00), RF touch

Section 5 - Rocking Chair. Fwd step touch. Back step touch
1-2RF Fwd rock, LF recover
3-4RF Back rock, LF recover
5-6RF Fwd step, LF touch beside RF
7-8LF Back step, RF touch beside LF

Section 6 - Fwd touch. Hip bump. 1/2 Fwd touch(3:00). Hip bump. Fwd step touch. Back step touch
1-2RF Fwd touch and Hip bump, RF Inplace step
3-41/2 turn left(3:00) LF Fwd touch and Hip bump, LF Inplace step
5-6RF Fwd step, LF touch beside RF
7-8LF Back step, RF touch beside LF

Section 7 Fwd touch. Hip bump. 1/2 Fwd touch(9:00). Hip bump. Pivot 1/4(6:00). Cross shuffle
1-2RF Fwd touch and Hip bump, RF Inplace step
3-41/2 turn left(9:00) LF Fwd touch and Hip bump, LF Inplace step
5-6RF Fwd step, 1/4 turn left(6:00) LF side step
7&8Cross RF over LF, Step ball of LF to left, Cross RF over LF

Section 8 Hip bump×4. Sailor 1/4(3:00). Kick ball fwd
1-2LF Side step and Hip bump to the left, Hip bump to the right
3-4Hip bump to the left, Hip bump to the right
5&6LF Behind step, 1/4 turn left(3:00) RF Side step, LF fwd step
7&8RF Fwd Kick , RF ball step, LF Fwd step

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15 OCT '24 50
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