Intro: 32 counts
[1-8] walk R-L, scuff, out, out, paddle 1/2, kick and point
1-2walk R forward, Walk L forward
3&4Scuff R heel, Step R to R side, Step L to L side
5-6quarter paddle L over L shoulder, quarter paddle L over L shoulder
7&8Kick L forward, Step L, point R to R side
[9-16] R wizard, L wizard, rock recover, coaster
12&step R diagonal, Step L behind R, Step R Forward
34&step L diagonal, Step R behind L, Steph L forward
5-6Rock forward onto R, recover onto L
7&8Step R back, Steph L next to R, step R forward
[17-24] kick forward, quarter turn L kick, coaster, rock recover, coaster
1-2kick L forward, quarter turn over L shoulder, Kick L
3&4step back L, Step R next to L, step L forward
5-6Rock forward onto R, recover onto L
7&8Step R back, Steph L next to R, step R forward
[25-32] kick L half turn, kick L, coaster, jump x 4
1-2Kick L forward, Half turn over L shoulder, kick L forward
3&4step back L, Step R next to L, step L forward
5-6Jump Diagonal Forward R, Side L
7-8Diagonal back R, Side L
[1-8] Jump out, Jump in, Kick x2
1Jump out
4Jump together
5-6kick R forward, step R next to L
7-8Kick L forward, step L next to R
STYLING - (1-4) hold your finger to your lips while lyrics say “Shush girl”
[9-16] Monterey Turn, Hip Rolls x2
1-2Point R to R side, 1/2 turn stepping R next to L
3-4Point L to L side, Step L next to R
5-6roll hips clockwise ending weight on L
7-8roll hips counterclockwise ending weight on L
*tag happens 3 times consecutively starting on lyric “shush girl shush your lips”
[1-8] walk R-L, scuff, out, out, paddle 1/2, kick and point
1-2walk R forward, Walk L forward
3&4Scuff R heel, Step R to R side, Step L to L side
5-6quarter paddle L over L shoulder, quarter paddle L over L shoulder
7&8Kick L forward, Step L, point R to R side
[9-16] R wizard, L wizard, rock recover, coaster
12&step R diagonal, Step L behind R, Step R Forward
34&step L diagonal, Step R behind L, Steph L forward
5-6Rock forward onto R, recover onto L
7&8Step R back, Steph L next to R, step R forward
[17-24] kick forward, quarter turn L kick, coaster, rock recover, coaster
1-2kick L forward, quarter turn over L shoulder, Kick L
3&4step back L, Step R next to L, step L forward
5-6Rock forward onto R, recover onto L
7&8Step R back, Steph L next to R, step R forward
[25-32] kick L half turn, kick L, coaster, jump x 4
1-2Kick L forward, Half turn over L shoulder, kick L forward
3&4step back L, Step R next to L, step L forward
5-6Jump Diagonal Forward R, Side L
7-8Diagonal back R, Side L
[1-8] Jump out, Jump in, Kick x2
1Jump out
4Jump together
5-6kick R forward, step R next to L
7-8Kick L forward, step L next to R
STYLING - (1-4) hold your finger to your lips while lyrics say “Shush girl”
[9-16] Monterey Turn, Hip Rolls x2
1-2Point R to R side, 1/2 turn stepping R next to L
3-4Point L to L side, Step L next to R
5-6roll hips clockwise ending weight on L
7-8roll hips counterclockwise ending weight on L
*tag happens 3 times consecutively starting on lyric “shush girl shush your lips”