CopperKnob Stepsheets

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My New Swag

( 1 Stimmen)
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Phrased Intermediate
Sophia KSF (MY) & Winnie Lim (MY) - September 2023

Start Intro 22 sec into music
Intro Dance

Section 1 : RF diagonal forward & back with hands swing, hook RF, modified jazzbox
1-2Point RF forward diagonal R, swing left hand (LH) forward with right hand (RH) back (1). Point RF back, swing RH forward, LH back (2)
3&4&Repeat step (1), swing RH forward, LH back (&), swing LH forward, RH back (4), Hook RF over LF, swinging both hands to left (&)
5-6Cross RF over LF, LF back
7&8&RF to R, LF next to RF (swinging hands right and left). Swing both hands to right (8) swing to left (&)

Section 2 : Raising hands right and left, in out, rock back, recover bend & hitch
1-2Bend both legs slightly, raise RH above head, keeping LH close to chest level (1) Raise LH above head, keeping RH at chest level (2)
3&4Repeating same hand movements right left right
&5-6RF back (&), LF next to RF swing both hands forward (5). Rock RF back (6)
7-8Step RF next to LF slightly bend closing both hands to chest, hitch RF reaching both hands forward


Section 1 : Forward R, Scoot, shrug shoulders, out, out, step together, vaudeville
1-2RF forward, lock LF behind, raising RF heel
&3Shrug shoulder R and L
&4&Out RF and LF, bring both feet together
5&6&Cross LF over RF, RF to R, left heel diagonal L, step LF next to RF
7&8&Cross RF over LF, LF to L, right heel diagonal R, touch RF next to LF

Section 2 : 1/4R forward, point LF 1/4R, pop knee in out, diagonal forward, hitch, R back, side, cross, point LF
1-2¼ R turn, RF forward, ¼ R turn, point LF to left
3&4&Pop left knee in, out, in, out
5-6LF forward diagonal R, hitch RF (7.30)
7&8&Step RF back (square back to 6:00) LF to left, cross RF over LF, point LF to left
(A- : 16C with step change on last count on ‘&’ change to LF to left)

Section 3 : LF point in out, together, point switches, forward point switches, kick, RF back ¼ R turn, LF to left
1&2Touch LF next to RF, point LF to L, close LF to RF
&3&4Point RF to R, Close RF to LF, point LF to L, Closed LF to RF
&5&6Touch RF forward, close RF to LF, touch LF forward, close LF to RF
7&8Kick RF forward, 1/4R turn, RF behind LF, step LF to L (9:00)

Section 4: Diagonal forward touch R L, forward recover ½ turn, diagonal forward L, R with body wave, ¼ L forward
1&2&RF diagonal R forward, touch LF next to RF, LF diagonal forward L, touch RF next to LF
3&4RF forward, recover onto LF, ½ turn R, RF forward (3:00)
5&6LF diagonal forward L, touch RF next to LF, RF forward diagonal R
7&8Body wave, finish weight on LF (7), RF behind LF (&), ¼ left turn, LF forward (8)


Section 1 : Chug x 3, weave to left
1-2¼ right turn, RF to R, recover weight to LF
3-4¼ right turn, RF to R, recover weight to LF
5-6¼ right turn, RF to R, recover weight to LF
7&8&Cross RF over LF, LF to L, RF behind LF, LF to L

Section 2 : Cross recover side R L. Diagonal kick, rock back recover, R L
1&2RF cross over LF, recover on LF, RF to R
3&4LF cross over RF, recover on RF, LF to L
5&6&Kick RF diagonal R, RF to R, rock LF behind RF, recover onto RF
7&8&Kick LF diagonal L. LF to L, rock RF behind LF, recover onto LF


Section 1 : Vine to L, hook L, hand movements on pretend mirror and brushing hair
1-4Cross RF over LF, LF to L, RF behind. Hook LF over RF LH open up and RF to side, shoulder level
5-6Cross LF over RF, hold up LH as pretend mirror to face level
7-8Brush RH over heard anti clockwise

Section 2 : Pretend powdering face, cross hands over chest, brush down alongside body
1-4Pretend powdering face using RH from left to right cheek x 2
5-6RH to left shoulder, LH to right shoulder
7-8Open both hands to side of body & brush down.

Section 3 : Brush down each arm, flick, full turn with run, circling hands above, open out to R
1-4&RH brush down from upper left arm. LH brush down from upper right arm, flick RF to right, swing both hands to right
5&6&RF ¼ L forward, LF ¼ L forward, RF ¼ L forward, LF forward, circle hands above head anti clockwise during run
7-8Place left hand close to left cheek, right hand push out to right diagonal
(C- : 22C with step change on step 5 & 6, cross RF over LF (5), unwind full turn L (6))

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