CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Charlotte Steele (SA) - August 2023
Alone - Bee Gees
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The word TJOLOLO is a melding of words from two African languages - Swazi and Shangaan – which means “the one that stands alone”.

OPTION: To get the energy levels up and ready for the Main Dance, why not do this easy 32-count INTRODUCTION DANCE. Start immediately on the first beat of the musical introduction. Sway those hips and swing the arms on the paddle turns – have fun, enjoy!

[1-8] Step-Point x 2. 1/8th Left Paddle Turns x 2.
1-4Step R forward, point L out to left side. Step L forward, point R out to right side.
5-6Touch/tap R forward, turn 1/8th left on ball of both feet, set both heels down (end facing left diagonal)
7-8Touch/tap R forward, turn 1/8th left on ball of both feet, set both heels down (end facing 9:00)

[9-16] Repeat Counts 1-8. End facing 6:00.

[17-24] Repeat Counts 1-8. End facing 3:00.

[25-32] Repeat Counts 1-8. End facing 12:00 with weight on the LF.

You will have made a full turn, ready to start the Main Dance, facing 12:00.

MAIN DANCE: Starts on vocals, after 32 counts intro music or the Introduction Dance.

Sec.1 Walk Forward R-L. Shuffle 1/2 Left. L Back Rock-Recover. Shuffle 1/2 Right.
1-2Step forward on R, step forward on L
3&4Turn ½ left stepping back on R, step L next to R, step R back (6:00)
5-6Rock back on L, recover forward onto R
7&8Turn ½ right stepping back on L, step R next to L, step L back (12:00)

Sec.2 R Back Rock-Recover. Chasse 1/4 Right. L Rock Forward-Recover. Shuffle 3/4 Turn Left.
1-2Rock back on R, recover forward onto L
3&4Step R to right side, step L next to R, turn ¼ right stepping forward on R (3:00)
5-6Rock forward on L, recover back onto R
7&8Turn ½ left and step forward on L (9:00), step R next to L, turn ¼ left and step forward on L (6:00)

Sec.3 Step-Pivot 1/4 Turn Left. Cross Shuffle RLR. L Side Rock-Recover. L Behind-Side-Cross.
1-2Step R forward, pivot 1/4 left (weight onto L) (3:00)
3&4Cross R over L, small step L to left side, cross R over L (weight onto L)
5-6Rock L to left side, recover onto R (weight onto R)
7&8Step L behind R, step R to right side, cross L over R (weight onto L) (3:00)

Sec.4 Monterey 1/2 Right. Jazz Box.
1-2Point R out to right side, pivot ½ right while dragging R next to L (weight ends on R) (9:00)
3-4Point L out to left side, step L next to R (weight onto L) **Restart here on wall 5**
5-6Cross R over L, step L back
7-8Step R to right side, step L forward (weight onto L, ready to start the dance again….)

Start Again


T-Dance. August 31, 2023
Love the flow of steps to the fabulous music!

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