High Beginner
1st 8 Count
12,34Step forward Rf, step LF side Left with hip roll
56,hip bum 2xs to Left side
7,8flick LF back 1/4, step LF across Rf
2nd 8 Count
1,2Look side R hand clap swiping RH up, look front clap swiping RH down
3,4punch RH down (bend knees and squat), punch LH down
&5RH punch back then front
6,7RF circle clockwise
8jump feet together
3rd 8 count
1,2RF kick front 2xs
3,4LF kick front 2xs
5,6RF cross over LF kick, RF kick side R
7,8Step RF back RR
4th 8 count
1234Grapevine R
5,6Step LF side L 1/4 turn
7,8scuff RF forward and up to Hitch clap hands 1/4 turn to back wall.
Last Update: 20 Aug 2023
12,34Step forward Rf, step LF side Left with hip roll
56,hip bum 2xs to Left side
7,8flick LF back 1/4, step LF across Rf
2nd 8 Count
1,2Look side R hand clap swiping RH up, look front clap swiping RH down
3,4punch RH down (bend knees and squat), punch LH down
&5RH punch back then front
6,7RF circle clockwise
8jump feet together
3rd 8 count
1,2RF kick front 2xs
3,4LF kick front 2xs
5,6RF cross over LF kick, RF kick side R
7,8Step RF back RR
4th 8 count
1234Grapevine R
5,6Step LF side L 1/4 turn
7,8scuff RF forward and up to Hitch clap hands 1/4 turn to back wall.
Last Update: 20 Aug 2023