CopperKnob Stepsheets

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( 72 Stimmen)
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Emma Stenner (USA) & Brendan Simoens (USA) - August 2023
Stetson - Walker Hayes
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**3rd Place Country Intermediate at Sunshine ‘N Line, The Florida Masters 2024

Intro: 8 counts, approx 4 secs, start on “country”

[1 - 8] Diag Lock Steps, Heel & Cross Shuffle, Slide, Ball Cross
1,2&Step RF to R diagonal (1), lock LF behind RF (2), step RF to R diagonal (&)
3&4&Lock LF behind RF (3), step RF to R diagonal (&), touch L heel to L diagonal (4), step ball of LF next to RF (&)
5&6&Cross RF over LF (5), step LF to L side (&), cross RF over LF (6), big step/slide LF to L side dragging RF (&)
7&8Hold/continue dragging RF (7), step ball of RF next to LF (&), cross LF over RF (8)

[9 - 16] Side, ⅛ Sailor Heel Switches, Walk, ⅜ Back, Back Knee Pop, Claps
1,2&Big step RF to R side (1), cross LF behind RF (2), ⅛ L stepping RF next to LF (&) (10:30)
3&4&Touch L heel forward (3), step LF next to RF (&), touch R heel forward (4), step RF next to LF (&)
5,6Step LF forward (5), ⅜ L stepping RF back (6) (6:00)
7&8Step LF back popping R knee (7), clap twice (&8)
Opt. styling for (&8) pop R knee in with the first clap and out with the second

[17 - 24] Coaster Step, Full Turn R, ¼ Rock & Cross, Slide, Together
1&2Step RF back (1), step LF next to RF (&), step RF forward (2)
3,4½ R stepping LF back (3), ½ R stepping RF forward (4)
5&6¼ R rocking LF to L side (5), recover onto RF (&), cross LF over RF (6) (9:00)
7,8Big step RF to R side dragging LF (7), step LF next to RF (8)
Opt. styling for (8) when stepping LF next to RF, pop R knee

[25 - 32] Forward, Touch, Back, Kick, Coaster Step, Full Turn R, Together, Knee Pop
1&2&Step RF forward (1), touch L toe behind RF (&), step LF back (2), kick RF forward (&)
3&4Step RF back (3), step LF next to RF (&), step RF forward (4)
5,6½ R stepping LF back (5), ½ R stepping RF forward (6)
7&8Step LF next to RF (7), pop both knees forward lifting heels (&), return knees & heels to normal (8)
Opt. Tag: at the end of your 3rd wall replace counts (4)& through 8 with: Step L to L side (&), step R to R side starting a counter-clockwise hip roll from R to L (5), continue through hip roll ending with weight on L (6-8)
Opt. styling for (&8) on the chorus he says “Stetson.” Replace the knee pops with a hat tip!

During the last 8 count of your 6th wall do counts 1-5 normally, replace count 6 with: 1/4 R stepping R to R side (6) to face the front wall, then continue counts 7&8 as normal


For any questions feel free to reach out to me at

Last Update: 11 May 2024

Grace Marie August 17, 2023
SO FUN!!!!

AprilP73 August 26, 2023
This dance fits the music so well, both song and dance are quirky and I love them together so much! Will be teaching this to my group very very soon. Maybe we'll even do a demo to add on here because the more demos the better right, lol?

suewd September 9, 2023
Any chance of a tutorial? love the dance :-)

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