CopperKnob Stepsheets

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I Mean Business

( 55 Stimmen)
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Low Advanced
Shane McKeever (N.IRE) & Fred Whitehouse (IRE) - June 2023
I Mean Business - LG (TEAM GENIUS)
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Restarts on Wall 2 after 40 counts (facing 12.00) & Wall 4 after 32 counts (facing 6.00)

Intro: 16 Counts, approx. on the lyrics at approx. 10 seconds

[1 – 8] Side Rock, Recover, Sailor ½ R, V Step, L Heel touch, Together, R Point, Together
1 – 2Rock R to R opening body to L diagonal lifting L toes off the floor (1), Recover on to L (2) 12:00
3&4Cross R behind L turning ¼ R (3), Step L next to R (&), Making ¼ turn R Step R Forward (4) 6:00
5&6&L heel to L diagonal (5), R heel to R diagonal (&), Step L back (6), Step R next to L (&) 6:00
7&8&Place L heel forward (7), Step L next to R (&), Point R to R (8), Step R next to L 6:00

[9 – 16] Point, Side Body Roll, Together, Side, Cross Behind, Reverse Paddle ½ Turn
1-2Point L to L starting side body roll (1), Transfer weight to L 6.00
&3-4Step R next to L (&), Step L to L (3), Cross R Behind R (4) 6:00
5-6Touch L to L turning 1/8 turn L (5), Touch L to L turning 1/8 turn L (6), 3:00
7-8Touch L to L turning 1/8 turn L (7), Step down on L turning 1/8 turn L (8) 12:00

[17 – 24] Botafogo, Cross, Step Slide, Sailor Step, Cross behind, Side Together x2
1&2Cross R over L (1), Rock L to L (&), Recover on to R (2) 12:00
3 – 4Cross L over R (3), Step R a big step to R side sliding your L heel towards (4) 12:00
5&6&Cross L behind R (5), Step R next to L (&), Step L to L (6), Cross R behind L (&) 12:00
7&8&Step L to L (7), Step R next to L (&), Step L to L (8), Step R next to L 12:00

[25 – 32] ¼ Step Sweep, Cross, Back Side Cross, Back, Turning ¾ Box
1-2¼ Turn L stepping L forward while sweeping R from back to front (1), Cross R over L (2) 9:00
3&4Step L back (3), Step R to R allowing body to open to R diagonal (&) Cross L over R (4) 9:00
5-6Step R back (5), ¼ turn L Stepping L forward (6) 6:00
7-8¼ turn L Stepping R back (7), ¼ turn L Stepping L forward (8) … Restart on wall 4 12:00

[33 - 40] Walk RL fwd, Scuff Out Out, Heel Twist R & L, Step Pivot ½ Turn L
1-2Step R forward (1), Step L forward (2) 12:00
3&4Scuff R forward (3), Step R out to R side (&), Step L out to L side (4) 12:00
5&6&Twist R heel Out (5), Recover R heel in (&), Twist L heel Out (6), Step on L recovering heel in (&) 12.00
7-8Step R fwd clicking R hand up (7), turn ½ L transferring weight to L (8) … Restart on wall 2 6.00

[41 - 48] Walk x2, R Kick Ball Change with Arm Swing, Backside Slap with Look back, Recover, Full Turn L
1-2Step R forward (1), Step L forward (2) 6.00
3&4Kick R forward (3), Step ball of R next to L (&), Step L forward as you Swing R Arm forward in circular motion (4) 6.00
5-6Slap backside with R Hand transferring weight back to R as you look back (5) Recover forward on to L (6) 6.00
7-8½ turn L stepping R back (7), ½ turn L stepping L forward 6.00


Ending On Wall 6, dance 32 counts, then step R to R as you swing R arm across the body in circular motion, slapping backside on the word “WANT” 12.00

Last Update: 18 Aug 2023

2023 19 AUG 6 24 AUG '23 50
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