CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Do the Lasso

( 2 Stimmen)
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High Beginner/Low Intermediate
Lucy Cooper (UK) - August 2023
Do the Lasso - Justin Champagne
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Intro: 16 counts

Side Rock, Recover, Behind Side Cross, Out, Out, Hips L R L
1 2Rock R to R side (pushing into R hip), recover onto L
ARMS: Right arm ‘lasso’ motion when he sings ‘Do the Lasso’ on the chorus on side rock
3&4Cross R behind, step L to L side, cross R over L
5 6Step L out, Step R out
STYLING: Accentuate leg lifts before ‘out outs’, almost like a flick (flick out flick out &5&6)
7&8Bump hips L, R, L

Cross Side Rock, Cross, ½ L, Diag L Side Touch, Diag R Side Touch, Diag Side Together Side
1&2Cross R over L, rock L to L side, recover onto R
3 4Cross L over R, step R back turning ½ L (keeping L slightly lifted like a spiral turn)(6.00)
5&Step L to L diagonal, touch R beside L
6&Step R to R diagonal, touch L beside R
7&8Step L to L diagonal, step R in place, step L to L diagonal

Forward Rock, Ball Heel, Ball Step, ½ Pivot L, ¼ L w.Sweep, Behind Side Cross
1 2&Rock R forward (squaring up to 6.00), recover onto L, ball step R in place
3&4Touch L heel forward, ball step L beside R, step R forward
5 6Pivot ½ L (weight ending on L), Step R to R side turning ¼ L and sweeping L back (9.00)
7&8Cross L behind, R to side, cross L in front

Side, Lock Behind, Chasse ¼ R, Forward Rock, Recover, ½ L, ¼ L Side, Cross
1 2Step R to R side, lock L behind R (slightly facing R diagonal and popping R knee)
3&4Step R forward turning ¼ R, step L together, step R forward (12.00)
5 6Rock L forward, recover onto R
7 8&Step L forward turning ½ L, step R to side turning ¼ L, cross L over R (3.00)

Dancin Boss August 1, 2023
I heard this song and wanted to do it. Ill leave it at this, GREAT JOB! Hope you like some of mine!

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