Easy Intermediate
INTRO: 32 counts on vocals, heavy beat
Stomp Out, Stomp Out, Stomp Centre, Stomp Centre
1234Stomp R 450 hold, Stomp L 450 hold
5678Stomp R centre, hold, stomp L beside L, hold
Rocking Chair, Pivot 1/2 Left, Stomp R L *
1234Rock Fwd R, replace onto L, rock back R, replace onto L
5678Step Fwd R, 1/2 turn L, stomp R&L
Side Right, Behind Left, Side, Diagonal Left Heel, Side Left, Cross, Side, Diagonal Right Heel, Together
1234Step side R, behind L, step side R, L diag
5678&Step side L, cross R over L, step side L, R diag, tog R
Heel Switches L&R, Hold,
1&2&34Heel L Fwd, tog, heel R Fwd, tog, Heel L Fwd, hold
&tog L
5&6&78Heel R Fwd, tog, heel Fwd L, L tog, heel R Fwd, hold (weight on L)
Double Hips R&L, Single Hips RLRL #
1234Double hips R & L
5678Single hips RLRL
Forward Rock, Coaster Step, Touch Forward, Touch Side, Behind, Side, Cross *
123&4Rock Fwd R, replace onto L, step back R, tog L, Fwd R
567&8Touch L Forward, touch L side, behind L, side R, cross L over R
Rock Side, Replace, Cross Shuffle R L R, Rock Side, Replace, Cross Shuffle L R L
123&4Rock Side R, replace onto L, cross R over L, side L, cross R over L
567&8Rock side L, replace onto R, cross L over R, side R, cross L over R
Out, Out, In, In, Rocking Chair
1234Step out R diag, step out L diag, step in R centre, step in L centre
5678Rock Fwd R, replace onto L, rock back R, replace onto L
RESTART: * Wall 4, facing 6.00. Dance to count 16, restart facing 12.00
* Wall 5, facing 12.00. Dance to count 48, restart facing 6.00
FINISH: # Wall 9, Facing 12.00. Dance to count 40
Step Fwd R, pivot ½ turn L, step fwd R, tog L Facing 12.00
Glenda Silver: EMAIL: MOBILE: 0427927019
Stomp Out, Stomp Out, Stomp Centre, Stomp Centre
1234Stomp R 450 hold, Stomp L 450 hold
5678Stomp R centre, hold, stomp L beside L, hold
Rocking Chair, Pivot 1/2 Left, Stomp R L *
1234Rock Fwd R, replace onto L, rock back R, replace onto L
5678Step Fwd R, 1/2 turn L, stomp R&L
Side Right, Behind Left, Side, Diagonal Left Heel, Side Left, Cross, Side, Diagonal Right Heel, Together
1234Step side R, behind L, step side R, L diag
5678&Step side L, cross R over L, step side L, R diag, tog R
Heel Switches L&R, Hold,
1&2&34Heel L Fwd, tog, heel R Fwd, tog, Heel L Fwd, hold
&tog L
5&6&78Heel R Fwd, tog, heel Fwd L, L tog, heel R Fwd, hold (weight on L)
Double Hips R&L, Single Hips RLRL #
1234Double hips R & L
5678Single hips RLRL
Forward Rock, Coaster Step, Touch Forward, Touch Side, Behind, Side, Cross *
123&4Rock Fwd R, replace onto L, step back R, tog L, Fwd R
567&8Touch L Forward, touch L side, behind L, side R, cross L over R
Rock Side, Replace, Cross Shuffle R L R, Rock Side, Replace, Cross Shuffle L R L
123&4Rock Side R, replace onto L, cross R over L, side L, cross R over L
567&8Rock side L, replace onto R, cross L over R, side R, cross L over R
Out, Out, In, In, Rocking Chair
1234Step out R diag, step out L diag, step in R centre, step in L centre
5678Rock Fwd R, replace onto L, rock back R, replace onto L
RESTART: * Wall 4, facing 6.00. Dance to count 16, restart facing 12.00
* Wall 5, facing 12.00. Dance to count 48, restart facing 6.00
FINISH: # Wall 9, Facing 12.00. Dance to count 40
Step Fwd R, pivot ½ turn L, step fwd R, tog L Facing 12.00
Glenda Silver: EMAIL: MOBILE: 0427927019