High Improver
#8 count intro (on vocals) 1 Tag
S1: Side behind side, sync rocking chair, cross side rock, cross turn 1/4 R
1-2&Step R to right side, step L behind R, step R to right
3&4&Rock L fwd, recover R, rock L back, recover R (right diagonal)
5-6&Cross L over R, rock R to right side, recover L
7-8Cross R over L, turn 1/4 R step L back 3:00
S2: Back lock back, back turn 1/4 R point, beside walk touch, coaster step
1-2&Step R back, lock L over R, step R back
3&4Step L back, turn 1/4 right step R to right side, point L to left side 6:00
&5-6Step L beside R, walk R, touch L beside R
7&8Step L back, step R beside L, step L fwd
S3: Step lock & walk walk, rock recover back turn 1/4 R, bump & bump
1-2&Step R fwd to right diagonal, step/lock L behind R, step R fwd
3-4Walk fwd L, R (straighten to front)
5&6&Rock L fwd, recover R, step L slightly back, turn 1/4 right step R to right side 9:00
7&8Step L to left side/bump L, R, L
S4: Step touch, back kick ball step, step turn 1/4 L, step touch step touch
1-2Step R fwd, touch L beside R
&3&4Step L back, kick R fwd, step R down, step L fwd
5-6Step R fwd, turn 1/4 left step L fwd 6:00
7&8&Step R fwd right diag, touch L beside R, step L fwd left diag. touch R beside L
TAG after Wall 2 facing 12:00:
Tag: Out out in in, step lock & step touch
1-2Step R fwd to right diagonal, step L fwd to left diagonal
3-4Step R back in to center, step L back in to center
5-6&Step R fwd to right diagonal, step/lock L behind R, step R fwd
7-8Step L fwd, touch R beside L
S1: Side behind side, sync rocking chair, cross side rock, cross turn 1/4 R
1-2&Step R to right side, step L behind R, step R to right
3&4&Rock L fwd, recover R, rock L back, recover R (right diagonal)
5-6&Cross L over R, rock R to right side, recover L
7-8Cross R over L, turn 1/4 R step L back 3:00
S2: Back lock back, back turn 1/4 R point, beside walk touch, coaster step
1-2&Step R back, lock L over R, step R back
3&4Step L back, turn 1/4 right step R to right side, point L to left side 6:00
&5-6Step L beside R, walk R, touch L beside R
7&8Step L back, step R beside L, step L fwd
S3: Step lock & walk walk, rock recover back turn 1/4 R, bump & bump
1-2&Step R fwd to right diagonal, step/lock L behind R, step R fwd
3-4Walk fwd L, R (straighten to front)
5&6&Rock L fwd, recover R, step L slightly back, turn 1/4 right step R to right side 9:00
7&8Step L to left side/bump L, R, L
S4: Step touch, back kick ball step, step turn 1/4 L, step touch step touch
1-2Step R fwd, touch L beside R
&3&4Step L back, kick R fwd, step R down, step L fwd
5-6Step R fwd, turn 1/4 left step L fwd 6:00
7&8&Step R fwd right diag, touch L beside R, step L fwd left diag. touch R beside L
TAG after Wall 2 facing 12:00:
Tag: Out out in in, step lock & step touch
1-2Step R fwd to right diagonal, step L fwd to left diagonal
3-4Step R back in to center, step L back in to center
5-6&Step R fwd to right diagonal, step/lock L behind R, step R fwd
7-8Step L fwd, touch R beside L