CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Thicc as Thieves

( 1 Stimmen)
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Joe Thompson (USA) - June 2023
Thicc As Thieves - Lauren Alaina & Lainey Wilson
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2 Shuffles, 3/8 Turn Right, R Coaster, Half Turn Right
1&2Step R forward diagonal Right, Step L together, Step R forward diagonal Right
3&4Step L forward diagonal Left, Step R together, Step L forward diagonal Left
&5&6Pivot 3/8 turn Right on L foot (facing 3) Step back on R, Step L together, Step forward on R
7-8Step forward on L, make a ½ turn Right on L foot (now facing 9)

Hook R into vine Left , Sweep L around crossing R, Unwind a full turn, ¼ turn Right with a R Shuffle
1&2Ronde R around behind L placing weight on R, step L to Left side, Cross R over L
3-4Sweep L around back to front crossing over R
5-6Unwind a full turn, turning Right and placing weight on L (still facing 9)
7&8Step forward Right, Step together L, Step forward R Making a ¼ turn Right (facing 12)

Cross & Cross, Point Right, Point Left, Rock Recover, Step back R, Slide L back
1&2Cross L over R, Step R next to L, Cross L over R
3&4&Point R to Right, bring R back to center, Point L to Left side, bring L back to center
5-6Step R forward, Body roll back stepping back on L
7-8Big step back on R, Slide L back to R

L Coaster, R Shuffle, Rock Recover Hook, ½ Turn Right
1&2Step back on L, Step together on R, Step forward on L
3&4Step R forward, Step L together, Step R forward
5&6Step L forward, Recover back on R, Hook L behind R
7-8Pivot ½ turn Left on both feet placing weight on L

Tag kick R, Kick L, shake hips L 3x, Rock Recover side, ½ Turn Right, Cross R, Big Step L, Slide R
1-2-3-4Kick R diagonal Left, place weight on R, Kick L diagonal Right, place weight back on both feet
5&6&7&8Shake hips L,R,L,R,L,R, Hold on count 8 with weight on R
1&2Step L to Left, Step R next to L, Step L back making a ¼ turn Right (facing 3 on tags 1,2,4)
3&4Rock back on R, Recover on L, Step forward onto R making ¼ turn Left (facing 12 on tags 1,2,4)
5-6Pivot ½ turn Left on R stepping L to Left side (facing 6 on tags 1,2,4), Cross R over L
7-8Take a Large step Left with L, Slide R together

Tag 1 happens at top of wall 5 (facing 12) ending up (facing 6) to start wall 5 Tag 2 happens after 16 counts of wall 6 (facing 12) and adding in an & count to step forward on R Tags 3 & 4 immediately follow Tag 2 (facing 6 for tag 3 and 12 for tag 4)

Feel free to reach out for questions or comments.

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