Intro - 32 beats
S1. Lock step R, L
1-2.Step R diagonally fwd R, step L behind R
3-4.Rpt 1-2
5-6.Step L diagonally fwd L, step R behind L
7-8.Rpt 5-6
S2. Cross touch R, heel, toe touch L
1-2.Cross R over L, touch R toe out to R
3-4.Cross R over L, step R next to L
5-6.Step L heel diagonally out L, touch L toe back next to R
7-8.Rpt 5-6
S3. Cross touch L, heel, toe touch R
1-2.Cross L over R, touch L toe out to L
3-4.Cross L over R, step L next to R
5-6.Step R heel diagonally out L, touch R toe back next to L
7-8.Rpt 5-6
S4. Rolling vine 3/4 turn R
1-2.Step R behind L, turn 1/4 R, step L fwd
3-4.Step R over L, turn 1/4 R, step L back
5-6.Step R behind L, turn 1/4 R, step L fwd
7-8.Step R fwd, step L next to R
S5. Syncopated vine R, weave L
1-2&.Step R to R, step L behind R, step R to R
3-4.Step L over R, step R to R
5-6.Step L to L, step R over L
7-8.Step L to L, step R next to L
S6. Cross 1/4 turn L, cross 1/2 turn R
1-2.Cross R over L, step L next to R
3-4.Turning 1/4 L, step L behind R, step R fwd
5-6.Turning 1/4 R, step L over R, turning 1/4 R, step R behind L
7-8.Step fwd R, L
S7. Syncopated vine R, weave L
1-8.Rpt S5.
S8. Cross 1/4 turn L, cross 1/2 turn R
1-8.Rpt S6.
S1. Step, slide R, stomp R, L
1-2.Step R to R, pause
3-4.Slide L next to R, pause
5-6.Stomp L, pause
7-8.Stomp R, pause
S2. Step, slide L, stomp L, R
1-2.Step L to L, pause
3-4.Slide R next to L, pause
5-6.Stomp L, pause
7-8Stomp R, pause
S3. Step, slide R, stomp R, L
1-8.Rpt S1.
S4. Step, slide L, stomp L fwd
1-4.Rpt S2. 1-4
5-8.Stomp L fwd, pause x 3
S5. Stomp L back, pause, step fwd L, R
1-4.Stomp L back, pause x 3
5-6.Stomp fwd, L, R
Tag after 2nd & 3rd S8. facing 6 o’clock
Restart after 3rd & 5th S4. (following each tag) facing 3 o’clock
ENDING: 1/2 rolling vine L after final S4. to finish
Copyright restriction prevents me from posting the demo video. 😡. You can view it on my YouTube channel ‘Imperfect Line Dancing’. I’ll run off a demo to some alternative music very soon.
Last Update: 6 Jul 2023
S1. Lock step R, L
1-2.Step R diagonally fwd R, step L behind R
3-4.Rpt 1-2
5-6.Step L diagonally fwd L, step R behind L
7-8.Rpt 5-6
S2. Cross touch R, heel, toe touch L
1-2.Cross R over L, touch R toe out to R
3-4.Cross R over L, step R next to L
5-6.Step L heel diagonally out L, touch L toe back next to R
7-8.Rpt 5-6
S3. Cross touch L, heel, toe touch R
1-2.Cross L over R, touch L toe out to L
3-4.Cross L over R, step L next to R
5-6.Step R heel diagonally out L, touch R toe back next to L
7-8.Rpt 5-6
S4. Rolling vine 3/4 turn R
1-2.Step R behind L, turn 1/4 R, step L fwd
3-4.Step R over L, turn 1/4 R, step L back
5-6.Step R behind L, turn 1/4 R, step L fwd
7-8.Step R fwd, step L next to R
S5. Syncopated vine R, weave L
1-2&.Step R to R, step L behind R, step R to R
3-4.Step L over R, step R to R
5-6.Step L to L, step R over L
7-8.Step L to L, step R next to L
S6. Cross 1/4 turn L, cross 1/2 turn R
1-2.Cross R over L, step L next to R
3-4.Turning 1/4 L, step L behind R, step R fwd
5-6.Turning 1/4 R, step L over R, turning 1/4 R, step R behind L
7-8.Step fwd R, L
S7. Syncopated vine R, weave L
1-8.Rpt S5.
S8. Cross 1/4 turn L, cross 1/2 turn R
1-8.Rpt S6.
S1. Step, slide R, stomp R, L
1-2.Step R to R, pause
3-4.Slide L next to R, pause
5-6.Stomp L, pause
7-8.Stomp R, pause
S2. Step, slide L, stomp L, R
1-2.Step L to L, pause
3-4.Slide R next to L, pause
5-6.Stomp L, pause
7-8Stomp R, pause
S3. Step, slide R, stomp R, L
1-8.Rpt S1.
S4. Step, slide L, stomp L fwd
1-4.Rpt S2. 1-4
5-8.Stomp L fwd, pause x 3
S5. Stomp L back, pause, step fwd L, R
1-4.Stomp L back, pause x 3
5-6.Stomp fwd, L, R
Tag after 2nd & 3rd S8. facing 6 o’clock
Restart after 3rd & 5th S4. (following each tag) facing 3 o’clock
ENDING: 1/2 rolling vine L after final S4. to finish
Copyright restriction prevents me from posting the demo video. 😡. You can view it on my YouTube channel ‘Imperfect Line Dancing’. I’ll run off a demo to some alternative music very soon.
Last Update: 6 Jul 2023