[1-8]: K-Steps , Rock foward, pony step back
1-2Rf diagonal foward, Lf diagonal foward,
3-4Rf diagonal back, Lf diagonal back
5-6Rf foward, recover weight Lf (optional ripple )
7&8Rf back, Lf step in site, Rf step in site
[9-16]: Rock back, samba left, samba ¼ right, cross point, side
1-2Lf back, recover weight Rf
3&4Lf to the left , recover weight Rf, Lf cross over Rf
5&6Rf cross over Lf, Lf ¼ turn right, Rf to the right
7-8Cross point Lf over Rf, point Rf to the right
[17-24]: Cross, side, cross shuffle, rock side, behind, side, cross
1-2Lf cross over Rf, Rf to the right
3&4Lf cross over Rf , Rf to the right, Lf cross over Rf
5-6Rf to the right, recover weight Lf (optional roll to the right)
7&8Rf behind Lf, Lf to the left, Rf cross over Lf
[25-32]: Side, close, half rumba left, paddle 1/2 turn left with roll right
1-4Lf to the left, close Rf next Lf
3&4Lf to the left, Rf next Lf, Lf foward
5-8Rf foward,roll right ¼ turn left, repeat 5-6
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1-2Rf diagonal foward, Lf diagonal foward,
3-4Rf diagonal back, Lf diagonal back
5-6Rf foward, recover weight Lf (optional ripple )
7&8Rf back, Lf step in site, Rf step in site
[9-16]: Rock back, samba left, samba ¼ right, cross point, side
1-2Lf back, recover weight Rf
3&4Lf to the left , recover weight Rf, Lf cross over Rf
5&6Rf cross over Lf, Lf ¼ turn right, Rf to the right
7-8Cross point Lf over Rf, point Rf to the right
[17-24]: Cross, side, cross shuffle, rock side, behind, side, cross
1-2Lf cross over Rf, Rf to the right
3&4Lf cross over Rf , Rf to the right, Lf cross over Rf
5-6Rf to the right, recover weight Lf (optional roll to the right)
7&8Rf behind Lf, Lf to the left, Rf cross over Lf
[25-32]: Side, close, half rumba left, paddle 1/2 turn left with roll right
1-4Lf to the left, close Rf next Lf
3&4Lf to the left, Rf next Lf, Lf foward
5-8Rf foward,roll right ¼ turn left, repeat 5-6
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