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(I'm Sure) He Loves You

( 20 Stimmen)
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Juan C. Gonzalez (USA) - June 2023
I'm Sure He Loves You - Ruben
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Starts immediately with the first strong beat piano note. Since there is no intro for the original track, you can skip the first 2 counts, and start on count 3 of the dance. 
1 Restart after 32 counts on wall #2 facing 12:00. 16 count tag after wall 4. 

** 1st Place Intermediate/Advanced line dance, and Overall Champion for the Wrangler Weekend in Los Angeles 2023 Choreo Corral. 
** 1st Place Intermediate/Advanced line dance at H.O.T Heart of Texas 2024. **

[1-8] Nightclub Basic, Side-Behind, 1/8, 2x Prissy Walk, Forward-Together
1-2&Step RF to the side (1), Step LF next to RF (2), Cross RF in front of LF (&) 12:00
3-4&Step LF to the side (3), Step RF behind LF (4), Make 1/8 left step LF forward (&) 10:30
5-6Walk RF forward slightly in front of LF and extend R arm forward (5), Walk LF forward slightly in front of RF (6) 10:30
7-8Step RF forward and bring R arm closer to your body (7), Step LF next to RF and move hand inward as if you were touching somebody’s face (8) 10:30

[9-16] Back-Behind, ¼, ¾ Spiral, 3/8 Right Curve Run, Cross Rock-Recover, ½, ¼
1-2&Big step RF back (1), Step LF behind RF (2), Make ¼ right step RF forward (&) 1:30
3Step LF forward and make a spiral 3/4 turn right weight remains on LF (3) 10:30
4&5Make 1/8 turn right step RF forward (4), Make 1/8 turn right step LF forward (&), Make 1/8 turn right step RF forward (5) 3:00
6-7Step LF in front of RF (6), Recover weight on RF (7) 3:00
8&Make ½ turn left step LF forward 8), Make ¼ turn left step RF to the side (&) 6:00

[17-24] 2x Back Rock-Recover-Side, 2x Back Sweep, Back-Hitch, Behind, ¼ Left
1-2&Make 1/8 turn left step LF back (1), Recover weight on RF (2), Make 1/8 right step LF to the side (&) 6:00
3-4&Make 1/8 turn right step RF back (3), Recover weight on LF (4), Make 1/8 left step RF to the side (&) 6:00
5-6Step LF back and sweep RF from front to back (5), Step RF and sweep LF from front to back (6) 6:00
7-8&Step LF back and hitch RF (7), Step RF behind LF (8), Make ¼ turn left step LF forward (&) 3:00

[25-32] Nightclub Basic, ¼ Kick, ½ Right, ¼ Right, ½ Right/Prep, ¼ Left, ½ Left/Hitch, ½ Left, Touch
1-2&Step RF to the side (1), Step LF next to RF (2), Cross RF in front of LF (&) 3:00
3-4&Make ¼ turn right step LF back lifting R leg up into a kick starting to swing it to the side (3), Make ½ turn right step RF forward (4), Make ¼ turn right step LF to the side (&) 3:00
5-6Make ½ turn right step RF to the side prep for a left turn (5), Make ¼ turn left step LF forward (6) 6:00
7-8&Make ½ turn left step RF back as you hitch LF (7), Make ½ turn left step LF forward (8), Touch RF next to LF (&) 6:00
Restart here on wall 2 facing 12 o’clock.

[33-40] 3/8 Diamond, Drag-Drop, 1/8, 3/8 Reverse Pivot Turn
1-2&Step RF to the side (1), Make 1/8 turn left step LF back (2), Step RF back (&) 4:30
3-4&Make 1/8 turn left step LF to the side (3), Make 1/8 turn left Step RF forward (4), Step LF forward (&) 1:30
5-6Step RF forward (5), Bring your body down bending your knees keep weight on RF (6) 1:30
7-8&Make 1/8 turn right [as you stand up to normal height] step LF back (7), Touch RF back (8) Make 3/8 reverse pivot turn right weight on LF (8) 10:30

[41-48] 3/8 Diamond, Rolling Vine, 3x Sways, Side-Touch
1-2&Step RF back (1), Make 1/8 turn left step LF to the side (2), Make 1/8 turn left step RF forward (&) 7:30
3-4&Make 1/8 turn left step LF forward (3), Make ¼ turn left step RF back (4), Make ½ turn left step LF forward (&) 9:00
5-6Make ¼ left step RF to the side as you sway to the right (5), Sway to the left (6) 6:00
7-8&Sway to the right (7), Step LF to the side (8), Touch RF next to LF (&) 6:00

[1-8] Perform tag after wall 4 facing 12:00. This tag is the same as the last 16 counts of the dance. 3/8 Diamond, Drag-Drop, 1/8, 3/8 Reverse Pivot Turn
1-2&Step RF to the side (1), Make 1/8 turn left step LF back (2), Step RF back (&) 10:30
3-4&Make 1/8 turn left step LF to the side (3), Make 1/8 turn left Step RF forward (4), Step LF forward (&) 7:30
5-6Step RF forward (5), Bring your body down bending your knees keep weight on RF (6) 7:30
7-8&Make 1/8 turn right [as you stand up to normal height] step LF back (7), Touch RF back (8) Make 3/8 reverse pivot turn right weight on LF (8) 4:30

[9-16] 3/8 Diamond, Rolling Vine, 3x Sways, Side-Touch
1-2&Step RF back (1), Make 1/8 turn left step LF to the side (2), Make 1/8 turn left step RF forward (&) 1:30
3-4&Make 1/8 turn left step LF forward (3), Make ¼ turn left step RF back (4), Make ½ turn left step LF forward (&) 3:00
5-6Make ¼ left step RF to the side as you sway to the right (5), Sway to the left (6) 12:00
7-8&Sway to the right (7), Step LF to the side (8), Touch RF next to LF (&) 12:00


Last Update: 23 Apr 2024

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