Dance starts right away on vocals.
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R Heel grind ¼, skate back 2x, coaster, slide , touch
1,2Right heel grind to the right ¼ turn (3:00)
3,4Skate back right foot then left foot
5&6Step back with R, left next to right, left forward
7,8Slide left with left foot, bring R next to left
Right foot point F, point R, cross, unwind ½, Left foot point F, point L, cross, unwind ½
1,2Point R foot forward, point R foot to right side
3,4Cross R foot over L, unwind ½ turn (9:00)
5,6Point L foot forward, point L foot to left side
7,8Cross L foot over R, unwind ½ turn (3:00)
R side together, side together, triple side, L side together, side together, triple side
1&2&R to Right side, Left next to R, left to left side, R next to left
3&4Right to R side, left next to R Right to R side
5&6&L to left side, Right next to L, R to right side, L next to R
7&8L to left side, R next to L, Left to left side.
Cross point, Cross point, Stomp Stomp, Hip Hip
1,2Cross R over L, point Left foot to the left
3,4Cross L over R, point Right foot to the right.
5,6Stomp R foot forward, Stomp L foot forward
7,8Exaggerate Hip R, Exaggerate Hip L
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R Heel grind ¼, skate back 2x, coaster, slide , touch
1,2Right heel grind to the right ¼ turn (3:00)
3,4Skate back right foot then left foot
5&6Step back with R, left next to right, left forward
7,8Slide left with left foot, bring R next to left
Right foot point F, point R, cross, unwind ½, Left foot point F, point L, cross, unwind ½
1,2Point R foot forward, point R foot to right side
3,4Cross R foot over L, unwind ½ turn (9:00)
5,6Point L foot forward, point L foot to left side
7,8Cross L foot over R, unwind ½ turn (3:00)
R side together, side together, triple side, L side together, side together, triple side
1&2&R to Right side, Left next to R, left to left side, R next to left
3&4Right to R side, left next to R Right to R side
5&6&L to left side, Right next to L, R to right side, L next to R
7&8L to left side, R next to L, Left to left side.
Cross point, Cross point, Stomp Stomp, Hip Hip
1,2Cross R over L, point Left foot to the left
3,4Cross L over R, point Right foot to the right.
5,6Stomp R foot forward, Stomp L foot forward
7,8Exaggerate Hip R, Exaggerate Hip L