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Down by the Riverside

( 2 Stimmen)
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Brittany Merida (USA) - May 2023
Down by the Riverside - Willie Jones
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• This is a counterclockwise dance and has one tag and two restarts.

Section 1: step lock step brush right and left
1-4Step forward right, lock left foot behind right, step forward right brush left foot
5-8Step forward left, lock right foot behind left, step forward left brush right foot

Section 2: V-step, step forward right, ½ turn step over left shoulder, stomp right and left
1-4Step forward out right, step forward out left, step inwards right, step inwards left (Makes the shape of a V)
5-8Step forward on your right foot and do a ½ turn over your left shoulder, stomp right foot and left foot (leaving weight on your left)

Section 3: vine right, rolling vine left w ¼ left, right brush
1-4step out to the right side on right foot, step left foot behind right, step out to side on right foot, touch left foot next to right foot
5-8Do a turning grape vine to the left and turn a ¼ turn left and brush right foot

Section 4: Monterey turn with a ¼ turn right, jazz Box with ¼ right
1-1Point right foot to the right side, turn your body a ¼ to the right and bring right foot back in, point left foot to the left side and bring it back in (you will be facing 6:00 o'clock)
5-8cross right foot over left foot, step back on left fort and do a ¼ turn right and stepping forward on right and step left foot next to right (Dance facing 9:00 o’clock)


Restart 1: happens on Wall 6 after 16 counts. The dance will start at 9:00 o'clock and restart at 3:00 o'clock.

TAG 1 and Restart 2: Wall 9: Dance will start at 9:00 o’clock, you will do the first 16 counts of the dance and end up facing 3:00 o'clock. You will start your tag here. This tag is 16 counts and once you are done with the tag, you will restart your dance, making it the 2nd Restart, facing at 9:00 o’clock.
Tag steps:
After completing first 16 counts of dance, you will be facing 3 O’clock.
1-8Vine to the right and touch left foot next to right, and vine to the left, touch right next to left
9-16Right rocking chair, Step forward on right foot and do a 1/2 turn over your left shoulder, ending by stomping right and left foot

**2nd Restart: Now restart your dance at 9:00 o'clock

Have fun and enjoy!

Last Update: 1 Jun 2023

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