CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Just Dance

( 55 Stimmen)
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Rosie Morrison (IRE) - May 2023
Why Don't We Just Dance - Josh Turner
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R Kickball change kickball change R rocking chair.
1&2Right kickball change
3&4R kickball change
5 6R rock recover back rock
7 8.recover.

R Kickball change kickball change R 1/4 pivot paddle left.
1&2kickball change
3&4kickball change
5 6R paddle turn left 1/8
7 8R paddle turn left.1/8..

R rock recover half turn shuffle right.L rock recover half turn shuffle left.
1 2R forward rock recover 1/2
3&4turn shuffle right.
Repeat half turn shuffle left.

Point right hold point left hold.right heel and left heel and step turn pivot 1/4 left.
1 ,2right point hold
&3,4step right beside left point left hold.
&5&6 and right heel and left heel
&78 and step forward on right pivot 1/4 turn left.

Last Update - 26 May 2023 - R1

2023 31 MAY 10
Line Dance With Paul May 27, 2023
Video demo would be helpful.

Ash_1982 May 28, 2023
Class wee dance..

ROSIE May 28, 2023
Thank you for your vote. I've not learnt how to post a video yet 🥺

ROSIE May 28, 2023
Paul there's lots of videos on FB 🤗

Louigi May 28, 2023
Excellent dance May 28, 2023
Amazing dance!!

ROSIE May 29, 2023
Thank you for your votes 🤗

eddie j May 30, 2023
Love the dance & the music. Gonna be a hit on the dance floor for sure 🍀

ROSIE May 30, 2023
Thank you Eddie 🤗

Sharon Doherty May 30, 2023
Great dance and great teacher

ROSIE June 1, 2023
Thank you everyone for your votes ⭐

Billy The Kid June 1, 2023
Lovely beginner dance to fabulous music. Love it. We'll done Rosie. Great video just added too. 🤠

ROSIE June 1, 2023
Thank you Billy ⭐

linedanceann June 1, 2023
Fab little dance ,fantastic music .Ideal for teaching your beginners "kick ball change"
My classes loved the dance , including the "intermediates"

ROSIE June 1, 2023
Wow that's great 🤗thank you for teaching my dance 🤗

ROSIE June 2, 2023
Wow New videos ⭐

ROSIE June 4, 2023
Thank you for the new demo of my dance 🤗

ROSIE June 5, 2023
Another teach video 🤗

ROSIE June 6, 2023
Thank you so much for the video s ❤️

ROSIE June 7, 2023
Thank you to everyone who taught and voted for my dance 🩰

ROSIE June 8, 2023
Another Fab video 🤗

ROSIE June 10, 2023
❤️ thank you for your dance video 🤗

Jooles June 11, 2023
Fab dance, fab music, it's on my to teach list. Five stars from me, thank you 🙂

ROSIE June 12, 2023
Wow thank you jooles 🤗

Rancher June 12, 2023
I’m teaching your dance tonight Rosie, fab beginner dance x

ROSIE June 12, 2023
Rancher ❤️ thank you so much for teaching my y 🤗

ROSIE June 13, 2023
Another Fab video 🤗

ROSIE June 14, 2023
Another Fab video of my dance ❤️

ROSIE June 27, 2023
Thank you for all the beautiful videos of my dance 🤗

ROSIE June 28, 2023
🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 great videos

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