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MJK Let It Out

( 2 Stimmen)
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EWS Winson (MY), Belle Lee (MY), Tan Lizzie (MY), Lee Hong (MY) & Theresa Ooi Ghim Choon (MY) - May 2023
Let It Out - Press Play
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Intro : 16 counts in (Approx 0.08 sec)

Sequence : A, B, C, Tag, A, B, C, D, D, D, D, B, C, C, Ending

Part A (32 counts)
#A1 (1-8) R Side Rock & Recover, R Behind, L Side, R Cross, L Side Rock & Recover, L Behind, R Side, L Cross
1-2Weight on LF: Rock RF to R side (1), recover weight on LF (2) 12.00
3&4Cross RF behind LF (3), step LF to L side (&), cross RF over LF (4) 12.00
5-6Rock LF to L side (5), recover weight on RF (6) 12.00
7&8Cross LF behind RF (7), step RF to R side (&), cross LF over RF (8) 12.00

#A2 (9-16) R-L Forward Dorothy Steps, R Syncopated Rocking Chair, R Chase ½ (L) with R Forward
1-2&Step RF forward to R diagonal (1), lock LF behind RF (2), step RF forward to R diagonal (&) 12.00
3-4&Step LF forward to L diagonal (3), lock RF behind LF (4), step LF forward to L diagonal (&) 12.00
5&6&Rock RF forward (5), recover weight on LF (&), rock RF back (6), recover weight on LF (&) 12.00
7&8Step RF forward (7), turn ½ L over L shoulder (&), step RF forward (8) 6.00

#A3 (17-24) L Side Rock & Recover, L Behind, R Side, L Cross, R Side Rock & Recover, R Behind, L Side, R Cross
1-2Rock LF to L side (1), recover weight on RF (2) 6.00
3&4Cross LF behind RF (3), step RF to R side (&), cross LF over RF (4) 6.00
5-6Rock RF to R side (5), recover weight on LF (6) 6.00
7&8Cross RF behind LF (7), step LF to L side (&), cross RF over LF (8) 6.00

#A4 (25-32) L-R Forward Dorothy Steps, L Syncopated Rocking Chair, L Chase ½ (R) with L Forward
1-2&Step LF forward to L diagonal (1), lock RF behind LF (2), step LF forward to L diagonal (&) 6.00
3-4&Step RF forward to R diagonal (3), lock LF behind RF (4), step RF forward to R diagonal (&) 6.00
5&6&Rock LF forward (5), recover weight on RF (&), rock LF back (6), recover weight on RF (&) 6.00
7&8Step LF forward (7), turn ½ R over R shoulder (&), step LF forward (8) 12.00

Part B (32 counts)
#B1 (1-8) R Modified Monterey ¼ (R) with L-R Toe Switches, R Knee Pop In, R Forward Diagonal Kick, R Sailor Forward
1-2Point R toes to R side (1), turn ¼ R closing RF next to LF (2) 3.00
3&4Point L toes to L side (3), close LF next to RF (&), point R toes to R side (4) - R knee is slightly popped outward 3.00
5-6Pop R knee in towards LF (5), recover R knee while kicking RF forward to R diagonal (6) 3.00
7&8Cross RF behind LF (7), step LF to L side (&), step RF forward (8) 3.00

#B2 (9-16) L Cross, R Side, L Sailor ½ (L) with L Forward, R-L Forward Camel Walk, R Forward Mambo Close
1-2Cross LF over RF (1), step RF to R side (2) 3.00
3&4Turn ½ L crossing LF behind RF (3), step RF to R side (&), step LF forward (4) 9.00
5-6Step RF forward as you pop your L knee forward (5), step LF forward as you pop your R knee forward (6) 9.00
7&8Rock RF forward (7), recover weight on LF (&), close RF next to LF (8) 9.00

#B3 (17-24) L Modified Monterey ¼ (L) with R-L Toe Switches, L Knee Pop In, L Forward Diagonal Kick, L Sailor Forward
1-2Point L toes to L side (1), turn ¼ L closing LF next to RF (2) 6.00
3&4Point R toes to R side (3), close RF next to LF (&), point L toes to L side (4) - L knee is slightly popped outward 6.00
5-6Pop L knee in towards RF (5), recover L knee while kicking LF forward to L diagonal (6) 6.00
7&8Cross LF behind RF (7), step RF to R side (&), step LF forward (8) 6.00

#B4 (25-32) R Jazz Box ¼ (R) with L Forward X2
1-4Cross RF over LF (1), turn ⅛ R stepping LF back (2), turn another ⅛ R stepping RF to R side (3), step LF forward (4) 9.00
5-8Cross RF over LF (5), turn ⅛ R stepping LF back (6), turn another ⅛ R stepping RF to R side (7), step LF forward (8) 12.00

Part C (32 counts)
#C1 (1-8) R-L Side Rock Crosses, L&R ‘T’ Step, R Close
1&2Rock RF to R side (1), recover weight on LF (&), cross RF over LF (2) 12.00
3&4Rock LF to L side (3), recover weight on RF (&), cross LF over RF (4) 12.00
5&6&Swivel L heel in and point R toes to R side (5), swivel L toes in and lift R knee beside LF (&), swivel L heel in and point R toes to R side (6), swivel L toes in and lift R knee beside LF (&) 12.00
7&8Swivel L heel in and point R toes to R side (7), swivel L toes in and lift R knee beside LF (&), close RF next to LF (8) 12.00

#C2 (9-16) L-R Side Rock Crosses, R&L ‘T’ Step, L Close
1&2Rock LF to L side (1), recover weight on RF (&), cross LF over RF (2) 12.00
3&4Rock RF to R side (3), recover weight on LF (&), cross RF over LF (4) 12.00
5&6&Swivel R heel in and point L toes to L side (5), swivel R toes in and lift L knee beside RF (&), swivel R heel in and point L toes to L side (6), swivel R toes in and lift L knee beside RF (&) 12.00
7&8Swivel R heel in and point L toes to L side (7), swivel R toes in and lift L knee beside RF (&), close LF next to RF (8) 12.00

#C3 (17-24) R-L Forward Walk, R-L Syncopated Out Steps, R Ball, L Cross, R Side, L Sailor Step, R Behind Touch
1-2Step forward on RF and LF (1-2) 12.00
&3&4Step RF to R side (&), step LF to L side (3), step RF beside LF (&), cross LF over RF (4) 12.00
5-6&7Step RF to R side (5), cross LF behind RF (6), step RF to R side (&), step LF to L side (7) 12.00
8Touch R toes behind LF (8) 12.00

#C4 (25-32) R-L Forward Hip Bumps, R Moonwalk ½ (L) X2
1&2Touch R toes forward bumping hips forward (1), recover weight on LF bumping hips backward (&), bump hips forward stepping RF in place (2) 12.00
3&4Touch L toes forward bumping hips forward (3), recover weight on RF bumping hips backward (&), bump hips forward stepping LF in place (4) 12.00
5-6Press R toes forward gliding LF back (5), turn ½ L stepping LF forward (6) 6.00
7-8Press R toes forward gliding LF back (7), turn ½ L stepping LF forward (8) 12.00

Part D (8 counts)
#D1 (1-8) Hand Movements, ¼ (L) with R Side, L Close
1&Put R hand down on R side with palm facing front (1), put L hand down on L side with palm facing front (&) 12.00
2&Place R hand on L waist (2), place L hand on R waist (&) 12.00
3&Place R hand on R hip (3), place L hand on L hip (&) 12.00
4&Place R hand on L shoulder (4), place L hand on R shoulder (&) - L hand is crossing over R hand 12.00
5&Place R hand on R shoulder (5), place L hand on L shoulder (&) 12.00
6&Place R hand on R side of your head (6), place L hand on L side of your head (&) 12.00
7&Place R fist forward to L diagonal (7), place L fist forward to R diagonal (&) - L hand is crossing over R hand 12.00
8&Turn ¼ L stepping RF to R side (8), close LF next to RF (&) 9.00

Tag (8 counts)
Hand Movements
1-2&Put R hand down on R side with palm facing front (1), put L hand down on L side with palm facing front (2), hold for 1 count (&)
3&4&Place R hand on L waist (3), place L hand on R waist (&), place R hand on R hip (4), place L hand on L hip (&)
5-6&Place R hand on L shoulder (5), place L hand on R shoulder (6) - L hand is crossing over R hand, hold for 1 count (&)
7&8&Place R fist near the R side of your face (7), place L fist near the R side of your face (&), place R fist forward to L diagonal (8), place L fist forward to R diagonal (&) - L hand is crossing over R hand


Hand Movements
1-2Put R hand down on R side with palm facing front (1), put L hand down on L side with palm facing front (2)
&3Place R hand on L shoulder (&), place L hand on R shoulder (3) - L hand is crossing over R hand
&4Place R fist forward to L diagonal (&), place L fist forward to R diagonal (4) - L hand is crossing over R hand

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