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Living For The City

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Phrased Intermediate
Isabelle Guimiot (CAN) - April 2023
Living for the City - Stevie Wonder
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Intro: 16 counts.

Sequence: AA BAA tag BAA

Part A: 48 counts
[1 – 8] Cross point, cross point, cross point, fwd mambo step.
1 2Cross R over L, point L to L (12:00)
3 4Cross L over R, point R to R (12:00)
5 6Cross R over L, point L to L (12:00)
7 & 8Rock L fwd, recover R, step L back and drag R foot back (12:00)

[9 – 16] Anchor step R, anchor step L, walk, walk, triple full turn.
1 & 2Step R slightly behind L, ball L, ball R (12:00)
3$ 4 Step L slightly behind R, ball R, ball L (12:00)
5 6Step R fwd, step L fwd (12:00)
7 & 8¼ turn left step R to R, ½ turn left step L to L, ¼ turn left step fwd R (12:00)

[17 – 24] Step ¼ turn cross, side, behind-side-cross, triple step R, touch L.
1 & 2Step L fwd, ¼ turn cross L over R (3:00)
3Step R to R side (3:00)
4 & 5Step L behind R, step R to R, step L over R (3:00)
6 & 7Step R to R, step L together, step R to R (3:00)
8Touch L next to R (3:00)

[25 – 32] Step touch, heel ball cross, step touch, heel ball cross.
1 2Step L to L, touch R next to L (3:00)
3 & 4Heel R, ball R, cross L over R (3:00)
5 6Step R to R, touch L next to R (3:00)
7 & 8Heel L, ball L, cross R over L (3:00)

[33 – 40] ¼ turn walk walk walk, step together, back diagonal and drag x4 R, L, R, L.
1 2 3¼ turn left, step L fwd, step R fwd, step L fwd (12:00)
4 &Step R fwd, step L beside R (12:00)
5 6Step R back right diagonal, drag L heel next to R, step L back left diagonal, drag R heel next to L (12:00)
7 8Step R back right diagonal, drag L heel next to R, step L back left diagonal, drag R heel next to L (12:00)

[41 – 48] Step step side, step step side, step fwd, step fwd, ½ turn step fwd, step fwd.
1 & 2Step R beside L, step L beside R, step R to R (12:00)
3 & 4Step L beside R, step R beside L, step L to L (12:00)
5 6Step R fwd, step L fwd (6:00)
7 8½ turn right step R fwd, step L fwd (6:00)

Part B: 28 counts
[1 - 6] Step fwd, full turn, step turn, step fwd.
1 2Step R fwd, ½ turn right step L back (6:00)
3 4½ turn right step R fwd, step L fwd (12:00)
5 6½ turn right step R fwd, step L fwd (6:00)

[7 - 12] Heel and toe and heel and kick, back rock
1 & 2Heel R front, ball R, toe L back (6:00)
& 3 & 4Ball L, heel R, step R beside L, kick L (6:00)
5 6Back rock L, recover R (6:00)

[13 - 18] Step fwd, full turn, step turn, step fwd.
1 2Step fwd L, ½ turn left step R back (12:00)
3 4½ turn left step L fwd, step R fwd (6:00)
5 6½ turn left step L fwd, step R fwd (12:00)

[19 - 24] Heel and toe and heel and kick, back rock.
1 & 2Heel L front, ball L, toe R back (12:00)
& 3 & 4Ball R, heel L, step L beside R, kick R (12:00)
5 6Back rock R, recover L (12:00)

[25 - 28] Step ½ turn, step ½ turn.
1 2Step fwd R, ½ turn left step L (6:00)
3 4Step fwd R, ½ turn left step L (12:00)

Tag: 8 counts
[1 - 8] Syncopated vine with heel jack and cross, syncopated vine with heel jack and ball step.
1 2Step R to R, step L behind R (12:00)
& 3 & 4Step R to R. heel L diagonal, L beside R, cross R over L (12:00)
5 6Step L to L, step R behind L (12:00)
& 7 & 8Step L to L, heel R diagonal, ball step R, step L beside R (12:00)

Enjoy !

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