#32-count intro. No Tags or Restarts!
Twist, Twist, Heel, Hook, Step, Touch, Step, Hook
1-2Twist/swivel both heels left with knees slightly bent, twist heels back to center straightening legs
3-4Touch right heel forward, hook right over left
5-6Step right slightly forward, touch left behind right
7-8Step left back, hook right over left (or touch right toe in front of left)
*Optional snaps –Snap fingers on count 6 at shoulders or above. Swing arms down and back on count 7 and snap fingers on count 8.
Step, Lock, Step, Sweep, ¼ Jazz Box Cross
1-2Step right forward, lock left behind right
3-4Step right forward, sweep left from back to front
5-6Step left over right, begin ¼ turn left stepping right back
7-8Finish ¼ turn left stepping left to side, step right over left (9:00)
Side, Slide, Rock, Recover, ¼ Monterey Turn
1-2Big step to left, slide right towards left
3-4Rock right behind left, recover to left
5-6Point right to side, ¼ turn right stepping right in place
7-8Point left to side, step left in place (12:00)
¼ Monterey Turn, Cross, Back, Stomp, Stomp
1-2Point right to side, ¼ turn right stepping right in place
3-4Point left to side, step left in place (3:00)
5-6Cross right over left, step left back
7-8Stomp right in place, stomp left in place, weight on both feet ready for beginning twist.
Repeat and Enjoy!
Ending: Final Wall (14) starts facing 3:00. Dance 24 Counts. Add ¼ turn left point right to side and strike a pose!
Twist, Twist, Heel, Hook, Step, Touch, Step, Hook
1-2Twist/swivel both heels left with knees slightly bent, twist heels back to center straightening legs
3-4Touch right heel forward, hook right over left
5-6Step right slightly forward, touch left behind right
7-8Step left back, hook right over left (or touch right toe in front of left)
*Optional snaps –Snap fingers on count 6 at shoulders or above. Swing arms down and back on count 7 and snap fingers on count 8.
Step, Lock, Step, Sweep, ¼ Jazz Box Cross
1-2Step right forward, lock left behind right
3-4Step right forward, sweep left from back to front
5-6Step left over right, begin ¼ turn left stepping right back
7-8Finish ¼ turn left stepping left to side, step right over left (9:00)
Side, Slide, Rock, Recover, ¼ Monterey Turn
1-2Big step to left, slide right towards left
3-4Rock right behind left, recover to left
5-6Point right to side, ¼ turn right stepping right in place
7-8Point left to side, step left in place (12:00)
¼ Monterey Turn, Cross, Back, Stomp, Stomp
1-2Point right to side, ¼ turn right stepping right in place
3-4Point left to side, step left in place (3:00)
5-6Cross right over left, step left back
7-8Stomp right in place, stomp left in place, weight on both feet ready for beginning twist.
Repeat and Enjoy!
Ending: Final Wall (14) starts facing 3:00. Dance 24 Counts. Add ¼ turn left point right to side and strike a pose!