CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Keep it Klean

( 1 Stimmen)
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Lisa Wetzler (USA) - April 2023
Dance begins after first 32 counts (~0:15 seconds). Weight on R angling body at 10:00.

[1-8] R Body roll, reverse body roll, L body roll to rotate upper body to 2:00, circle right hip twice.
1,2,3,4While facing 10:00 Roll body chest to hips, roll body up hips to chest.
5,6Rotate to face 2:00 and roll body chest to hips ending with weight on L.
7,8Roll R hip clockwise, repeat.

[9-16] (While still facing 2:00) R step back, touch L, L step back, touch R, Back R rock, recover, walk R, walk L (tag will occur on last 4 counts on wall 3).
1,2,3,4Step back on R, touch L in place, step back on L, touch R in place (add body rolls here for styling).
5,6,7,8Rock back on R, recover forward L, walk forward R, walk forward L (end still facing 2:00).

[17-24] Jump to right side with ¼ turn left, walk R, walk L, L single leg ½ turn clockwise w/R hitch, R side step, step ¼ turn L, R toe grind.
1Jump both feet to right side while angling body toward 9:00 and hips pop back.
2,3Step R forward, Step L forward (full weight on L)
4Push off L to make single leg ½ turn as R leg hitches to face 6:00.
5,6Using momentum from turn make a ¼ turn clockwise step R forward (facing 9:00), walk forward L
7&8Touch ball of R forward, swivel R heel out, swivel R heel in.

[25-32] R ¼ paddle turn to face 6:00, step together in place RLR with booty bumps and knees pointed out (styling here such as hand flick at tailbone as danced by Rihanna at Super Bowl or chest rolls), e-&-a count knee bumps with body roll up.
1,2,3,4Paddle turn- While keeping weighted on L, rock R to right side recover on L while bringing R knee up to make 1/8 turn left over 2 counts, repeat. (now facing 6:00)
5,6,7Step together with ball of RLR while knees bent outward adding booty bumps. (Add hand flick or chest rolls for styling.)
8-e-&-aWhile feet together, knees bump together in and out while body rolls up from knees to chest.

[33-40] Close knees on 1, hold, L rock & cross behind, Step R to R, ¼ turn right touch L next to R, ¼ turn Step L to left side, Slide R next to L.
1,2Knees close on 1, hold.
&3,4Rock L to left side, recover on R, cross L behind R.
5,6Step R to right side, touch L next to R while making ¼ turn clockwise (now facing 9:00).
7,8¼ Turn step L to left side (now facing 12:00), touch R next to L.

[41-48] R Dorothy, skate L, R, Rock L forward, recover, ball step R slightly forward, single leg ¼ turn on L while pushing off with R to face 3:00 (keep R leg straight hovering above ground).
1,2&Step forward R to right diagonal, close L behind R, step forward on R to right diagonal.
3,4Slide forward L with toes pointed out to left diagonal, repeat on R.
5,6Rock forward L, recover back on R.
&7,8Step ball of L next to R, step R slightly forward next to L, single leg ¼ turn right to face 3:00 keeping R leg hovering straight above ground (add shimmy’s here for styling on wall 1).

[49-56] Step R to right side, hold, L ball step, L touch, ¼ turn step L, R sweep forward, camel walk RL.
1,2Step down on R, hold.
&3,4Step ball of L next to R, step R to right side, touch L next to R.
5,6¼ Turn step forward left to face 12:00, R leg sweeps from back to front.
7,8Step forward on R while L knee pops, step forward on L while R knee pops.

[57-64] Step Back on R with L heel drag, hold, L coaster step, R paddle ¼ turn, Giddy up RLR.
1,2Step back on R while dragging L heel, hold.
3&4Step back on L, step R next to L, step forward L.
5,6R Paddle ¼ turn: While keeping weighted on L, rock R to right side, recover on left while bringing R knee up to and make 1/4 turn left.(now facing 9:00).
7&8Step together on balls of feet R,L,R (knees point outward, lasso with R arm above head for styling on wall 1).

[65-72] R cross step, L side step, ½ turn R behind-side-step, tap L toe behind R, 1/4 turn run LRL, L single leg ¾ turn with R hitch.
1,2Step R over L, step L to L side.
3&4Step R behind L, ¼ counter-clockwise step forward L, ¼ counter-clockwise step R to right side (now facing 3:00).
5Cross and tap L toe behind R.
6&7¼ Counter-clockwise L step forward to face 12:00, step forward R, step forward L.
8L Single leg ¾ turn clockwise while hitching up R leg to face 9:00.

[73-80] Step R to right side, hold, L ball step, L touch, L touch forward, RL heel swivel forward and back, right ½ turn heel bounce.
1,2Step down R to right side, hold.
&3,4Step ball of L next to R, step R to right side, touch L next to R.
5&6Touch forward on L, place weight on ball of L and R while L heel swivels out and R heel swivels in, swivel RL heels back down.
7,8While making a half turn clockwise bounce heels twice to face 3:00 ending with weight mostly on L.

[81-88] Forward R step, L slide with R forward hitch, traveling forward R pony x 2, R kick ball point, knee pops with ¼ turn L kick.
1,2Step forward on R, bring R knee up as you slide L forward at same time.
&3&4Step ball of R slightly forward, step L forward as you hitch R knee, step ball of R slightly forward, step L forward as you hitch R knee.
5&6Kick R forward, step R next to L, point L toe to left side (stay weighted on R).
7&8Invert L knee in, pop L knee back out, make ¼ turn counter-clockwise as L kicks forward to face 12:00.

[89-96] L coaster step, R kick ball point, ¼ turn L front rock with hip roll forward, recover with hip roll back, Step L forward, ¼ touch R together to face 6:00.
1&2L steps back, R steps next to L, L step forward.
3&4Kick R forward, step R next to L, point L toe to left side.
5,6¼ Turn rock L forward as hips follow, recover back on R as hips follow (facing 9:00).
7,8Step L forward, ¼ turn counter-clockwise to face 6:00 touch R next to L. End weighted on L. (add styling here with arm wrap or hair spin).

*Tag Occurs on wall 3 (facing 12:00) replacing the last 4 counts on second 8 count.
5e&a6Shimmy Shoulders, feet are together (shoulders alternate moving forward and back)
7e&a8Knee bumps with reverse body roll (while feet together, knees bump in and out while body rolls up from knees to chest, L foot step forward on count 8.

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