One 8 count tag at 1:16 in music
One restart happens after 32 counts at 2:07 in music
Steps below have added explanation of wall times (12:00 o’clock, 3:00 o’clock, 6:00 o’clock, 9:00 o’clock) for the ease of explanation and are relevant for the walls that start facing 12:00.
Intro: 16 counts
[1-8] Fwd rock recover, turning shuffle, side rock recover, kick ball change
1, 2Step R forward, recover on L
3 & 4Step R, L, R while turning ½ toward 6:00
5,6Rock to the side onto L, recover onto R
7 & 8Kick L, step L, step R
[9-16] Fwd Shuffle, ¼ pivot, cross shuffle, step, step
1 & 2Step forward L, R, L toward 6:00
3 & 4Step R forward and pivot ¼ to 3:00
5 & 6Cross R over L and step, R,L,R
7 & 8Step out L while pivoting ¼ to face 12:00, step out R
[17-24] Heel jack, step, step, pivot, spin
1 & 2Rock L back, pickup R foot and replace while L foot comes out to L side and touch heel
& 3, 4Step down with left, cross R over L, step L to face 9:00
5, 6Step R forward, ½ turn over left shoulder to 3:00
7, 8Full 360 degree spin over left shoulder to face 3:00 again
[25-32] Walk, walk, toe grind, coaster step, step touch
1, 2Step R forward, step L forward
3 & 4Step R forward only toes touching, swivel heel of foot to R, then L (Hip will bump up and down while doing this)
5 & 6Step R back, Step L back, step R forward
7, 8Step L forward while pivoting ¼ to 6:00, touch R foot on toes next to L
*Restart happens here on wall 3 after the first 32 counts. You will be facing 6:00 when it happens.
[33-40] Cross step, pivot with heel flick, side shuffle, sailor ¼
1 & 2Step R to right side, step L over R
3,4Step R out to right side while pivoting ¼ to face 3:00, pickup L foot and flick L foot behind
5&6Side shuffle by stepping L to left side, step R, step L (you will be facing 3:00 during this)
7 & 8Step R foot behind L, step L foot out to left side, while turning ¼ toward 6:00, step R foot forward
[41-48] ½ turn, coaster step, jazz box
1,2While facing 6:00, make ½ turn to face 12:00 by stepping L forward, turn over left shoulder to face 12:00 and step down on R
3 & 4Step back with L, step back with R, step forward L
5, 6Step L over R foot, step L back
7, 8Step R back next to L, step L forward
[49-56] Fwd shuffle, rock recover, Bwd shuffle, step kick
1 & 2Shuffle forward, step R, L, R
3 & 4Step L forward, recover on R
5 & 6Shuffle backward, stepping back L, R, L
7,8Step R foot down, kick L foot out
[57-64] Sailor ½, cross point, cross point, walk, walk
1 & 2Step L behind, step R down while pivoting ¼ to face 3:00, step L forward while pivoting ¼ to face 6:00
3, 4Step forward R, point L out to left side
5,6Cross L over R, point R to right side
7,8Walk forward by stepping R forward, L forward
*Dance ends after 32 counts – complete the step touch while facing 12:00.
*Tag happens at end of full 64 counts on wall 2, you will be facing 12:00 when it happens, and you will start the dance again facing 6:00
[1-8] Pivot, shuffle, walk, walk, shuffle
1,2Step forward R, pivot ½ to face 6:00
3 & 4Shuffle stepping R, L, R
5,6Walk forward L, R
7 & 8Shuffle stepping L, R, L
Contact with questions
One restart happens after 32 counts at 2:07 in music
Steps below have added explanation of wall times (12:00 o’clock, 3:00 o’clock, 6:00 o’clock, 9:00 o’clock) for the ease of explanation and are relevant for the walls that start facing 12:00.
Intro: 16 counts
[1-8] Fwd rock recover, turning shuffle, side rock recover, kick ball change
1, 2Step R forward, recover on L
3 & 4Step R, L, R while turning ½ toward 6:00
5,6Rock to the side onto L, recover onto R
7 & 8Kick L, step L, step R
[9-16] Fwd Shuffle, ¼ pivot, cross shuffle, step, step
1 & 2Step forward L, R, L toward 6:00
3 & 4Step R forward and pivot ¼ to 3:00
5 & 6Cross R over L and step, R,L,R
7 & 8Step out L while pivoting ¼ to face 12:00, step out R
[17-24] Heel jack, step, step, pivot, spin
1 & 2Rock L back, pickup R foot and replace while L foot comes out to L side and touch heel
& 3, 4Step down with left, cross R over L, step L to face 9:00
5, 6Step R forward, ½ turn over left shoulder to 3:00
7, 8Full 360 degree spin over left shoulder to face 3:00 again
[25-32] Walk, walk, toe grind, coaster step, step touch
1, 2Step R forward, step L forward
3 & 4Step R forward only toes touching, swivel heel of foot to R, then L (Hip will bump up and down while doing this)
5 & 6Step R back, Step L back, step R forward
7, 8Step L forward while pivoting ¼ to 6:00, touch R foot on toes next to L
*Restart happens here on wall 3 after the first 32 counts. You will be facing 6:00 when it happens.
[33-40] Cross step, pivot with heel flick, side shuffle, sailor ¼
1 & 2Step R to right side, step L over R
3,4Step R out to right side while pivoting ¼ to face 3:00, pickup L foot and flick L foot behind
5&6Side shuffle by stepping L to left side, step R, step L (you will be facing 3:00 during this)
7 & 8Step R foot behind L, step L foot out to left side, while turning ¼ toward 6:00, step R foot forward
[41-48] ½ turn, coaster step, jazz box
1,2While facing 6:00, make ½ turn to face 12:00 by stepping L forward, turn over left shoulder to face 12:00 and step down on R
3 & 4Step back with L, step back with R, step forward L
5, 6Step L over R foot, step L back
7, 8Step R back next to L, step L forward
[49-56] Fwd shuffle, rock recover, Bwd shuffle, step kick
1 & 2Shuffle forward, step R, L, R
3 & 4Step L forward, recover on R
5 & 6Shuffle backward, stepping back L, R, L
7,8Step R foot down, kick L foot out
[57-64] Sailor ½, cross point, cross point, walk, walk
1 & 2Step L behind, step R down while pivoting ¼ to face 3:00, step L forward while pivoting ¼ to face 6:00
3, 4Step forward R, point L out to left side
5,6Cross L over R, point R to right side
7,8Walk forward by stepping R forward, L forward
*Dance ends after 32 counts – complete the step touch while facing 12:00.
*Tag happens at end of full 64 counts on wall 2, you will be facing 12:00 when it happens, and you will start the dance again facing 6:00
[1-8] Pivot, shuffle, walk, walk, shuffle
1,2Step forward R, pivot ½ to face 6:00
3 & 4Shuffle stepping R, L, R
5,6Walk forward L, R
7 & 8Shuffle stepping L, R, L
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