2 - Restarts ~ first 16 Counts of the dance (wall 2 and wall 4)
Intro 16 count.
Section 1: Weight on L leg, facing front (12 o’clock wall)
Wizard steps (R&L), Fwd Step-toe, Bck Step-Heel, Coaster Step
1,2 &R step diagonal fwd, L lock-step (L behind R), R step diag fwd
3,4 &L step diagonal fwd, R lock-step (R behind L), L step diag fwd
5&6&Rock fwd on R, touch L toe behind, step bck on L, touch R heel fwd
7&8Coaster step, R back, L together, R fwd
Section 2: Weight on R leg
Wizzard steps (L&R), Fwd Step-toe, Bck Step-Heel, Coaster Step
1,2 &L step diagonal fwd, R lock-step (R behind L), L step diag fwd
3,4 &R step diagonal fwd, L lock-step (L behind R), R step diag fwd
5&6&Rock fwd on L, touch R toe behind, step bck on R, touch L heel fwd
7&8Coaster step, L back, R together, L fwd
Section 3: Weight on L
Mambo Steps, Fwd-Bck-R side-L side
1&2Rock fwd onto R, Rock bck on L, step bck on R (Alt-Charleston)
3&4Rock bck on L, Rock fwd on R, step fwd on L (Alt–Charleston)
5&6R side Rock, sift wt back to L, bring R foot next to L (Wt on R)
7&8L side Rock, sift wt back to R, bring L foot next to R (Wt on L)
Section 4: Weight on L
Step-Slides (x3 w/turn), stomp, Heel & Heel & Cross ¾ turn (L)
1&Lunge R (1), drag L to R (&)
2&Qtr turn over L shld, Lunge L (2), drag R to L (&)
3&Qtr turn over L shld, Lunge R (3), drag L to R (&)
4Stomp L next to R
5&6&Heel switches, R heel Fwd and Bck, L heel Fwd and Bck
7Cross R over L
8Unwind over L shld, ¾ turn facing new wall
Last Update: 10 Feb 2023
Intro 16 count.
Section 1: Weight on L leg, facing front (12 o’clock wall)
Wizard steps (R&L), Fwd Step-toe, Bck Step-Heel, Coaster Step
1,2 &R step diagonal fwd, L lock-step (L behind R), R step diag fwd
3,4 &L step diagonal fwd, R lock-step (R behind L), L step diag fwd
5&6&Rock fwd on R, touch L toe behind, step bck on L, touch R heel fwd
7&8Coaster step, R back, L together, R fwd
Section 2: Weight on R leg
Wizzard steps (L&R), Fwd Step-toe, Bck Step-Heel, Coaster Step
1,2 &L step diagonal fwd, R lock-step (R behind L), L step diag fwd
3,4 &R step diagonal fwd, L lock-step (L behind R), R step diag fwd
5&6&Rock fwd on L, touch R toe behind, step bck on R, touch L heel fwd
7&8Coaster step, L back, R together, L fwd
Section 3: Weight on L
Mambo Steps, Fwd-Bck-R side-L side
1&2Rock fwd onto R, Rock bck on L, step bck on R (Alt-Charleston)
3&4Rock bck on L, Rock fwd on R, step fwd on L (Alt–Charleston)
5&6R side Rock, sift wt back to L, bring R foot next to L (Wt on R)
7&8L side Rock, sift wt back to R, bring L foot next to R (Wt on L)
Section 4: Weight on L
Step-Slides (x3 w/turn), stomp, Heel & Heel & Cross ¾ turn (L)
1&Lunge R (1), drag L to R (&)
2&Qtr turn over L shld, Lunge L (2), drag R to L (&)
3&Qtr turn over L shld, Lunge R (3), drag L to R (&)
4Stomp L next to R
5&6&Heel switches, R heel Fwd and Bck, L heel Fwd and Bck
7Cross R over L
8Unwind over L shld, ¾ turn facing new wall
Last Update: 10 Feb 2023