CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Never Not a Good Time

( 1 Stimmen)
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Kathleen VanBuskirk (USA) - February 2023
Never Not a Good Time - Presley & Taylor & Haley Mae Campbell
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Dance starts 32 counts in
Restart on walls 2 and 6 (modified)
Restart and Tag on Wall 10

[1-8] Walk L, R Rock L recover cross, sway RLRL
1,2,3&4Walk forward L, R, Rock L to L, recover R, cross L over R
5,6,7,8Step R to R with sway R, sway L, R, L
#Tag and Restart here on wall 10-wall 10 starts on 3:00 wall and restarts on 3:00 wall
#4 count Tag: (Rock recover coaster step):
#Rock forward R, recover L, step back R, step L next to R, step R forward then restart

[9-16] Vine R touch L/clap 2X, Turn ½ L to L, behind side cross
1,2,3,4Step R to R, step L behind R, step R to R, touch L next to R with clap 2X
5,6,7&81/4 to L step L forward (9:00 wall), ¼ to L step R to R, step L behind R, step R to R, step L over R (6:00 wall)
Restart here on wall 2 and 6: modified: change step 16 to touch left next to right then restart
wall 2 starts on 9:00 wall and restarts on 3:00 wall
wall 6 starts on 6:00 wall and restarts on 12:00 wall

[17-24] Point R, cross, Point L cross, Step R twist recover L Kick R
1,2,3,4Point R to R, cross R over L, Point L to L, cross L over R
5,6,7,8Step R forward to R angle, twist both heels to R, recover to L, Kick R forward

[25-32] Rock back R. Step R ½ turn, step R ¼ turn shuffle RLR
1,2,3,4Rock back on R, recover L, step R forward, turn 1/2 to L (12:00 wall)
5,6,7&8Step R forward turn ¼ to L, step forward R, together with L, step forward R (9:00 wall)

Last Update: 7 Mar 2023

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